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Why you never asked Joe out when you were in college you will never know. Maybe because you guys were fuck buddies and you thought that that's all he wanted from you. Maybe because you were to scared to ask him in case he didn't want you and he was just going to reject you. All you do know for a fact is that you regret not asking him.

You found out that he was in a band that had made it. You actually liked that band, too. You had to admit to yourself that you were jealous of all those girls hanging off of him. No matter how hard you try, you can't get over Joe.

You walk down the street – your head handing down – as you head to the bakery to buy yourself a nice, warm meat pie. You wish you had your head up that day because you quite literally ran into the one and only; Joe Trohman.

"I'm so sorry.", you apologize before looking up.

"No, it's my fault.", the man says.

You look up and don't recognize who he is. You look in his eyes as he looks at you and see his eyes light up.

"(Y/N)? (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)? From college?", he says, excitement filling his voice. "It's me! Joe Trohman!"

You gulp as you realize that it was him. You didn't think he'd remember you after all these years; especially since he was in a famous band. You lightly blush and sheepishly smile.

"Oh my god!", you beam. "It's been so long! I can't  believe you remember me!"

Joe gives you a breathtaking smile. That same one that made him stand out from everyone else in college.

"How could I ever forget the girl that stole my virginity?", Joe chuckles.

Your cheeks turn ruby red when he spoke those words. You were proud to be the one who had stole Joe's virginity. You were also proud that he was the one who stole your virginity. 

"I just thought you would have forgotten about me over the years. I mean, it was a good fifteen years ago. You dropped out of college in 2001! Why was it you left again?"

You completely remembered why he dropped out. He met a guy named Patrick and he wanted to start a band. You thought the idea was ridiculous and thought they'd never make it, but you stand corrected.

"Oh, I met this guy named Patrick in a book store and decided to make a band. It took us a bit to figure out the name of it but we settled with Fall Out Boy. The dr-"

"Fall Out Boy!? That's your band!?", you act as if you didn't know.

Joe chuckles a, "yes", as you blush. "We recently dropped an album. Well, last year, really. It's called American Beauty, American Psycho. You should come back to mine so I can show you. Maybe re-live some of our college memories?", Joe smirks at the end.

"Always thinking with your dick, Joseph Trohman!", you playfully punch his arm and giggle. "But I need to ask you a question that I've been regretting not asking you for a long time."

"What is it, sweetheart?", Joe asks.

"I know it's been a while and you've more than likely lost whatever feelings you had for me, but did you want to date maybe?"

Joe doesn't answer with words but instead locks lips with you. You smile into the kiss as you think of all the times you kissed Joe back in college. He breaks the kiss and whispers, "I'd love to.", into your ear.

He then intertwines his fingers with yours and walks you back to his car then takes you to his house.

Thank god I ran into the love of my life today.

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