21: Sam/Kayla

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The journey to finding her was close to impossible. The love of my life, possibly the only girl I could imagine myself spending the rest of my life with, left me to deal with my own sorrow and pain before getting on the plane with Asher Thompson, the guy she had been in love with for years.

I never truly believed that she was in love with him, not like how she would look at me if she was. Her touch trembled every time she grazed my skin with hers and I would see her lips quiver nervously when she licked her lips.

All of it, I had lost because of my own problems.

But she gave me a chance to renew myself, gave me the time that I needed and for that, I was grateful because she was right, no matter how much I hated to admit it. She was right that I needed the time to fix myself.

Now, I was on the train to Scotland after much trouble. I had seen her in the pictures and tabloids, knowing that she had been touring with Infinite Distress again, this time in Asia. I had seen how considerably close she had gotten to Asher and I was especially growing jealous of it. Almost feeling like I had lost her again, I wanted to reach her as fast as I could. I wanted to find her.

My fingers itched to call her, dial her phone number but I knew that she wouldn't want it. And I knew that it wasn't right for me too either.

But still, the need to hear her voice was strong. Undeniable.

I stood up from where I sat at the back of the train and made my way to the telephone that sat on the wall at the front, dialing her number by memory. I waited as the dial tone went on and on, the desire to just hear her once again, growing stronger as time passed.

And then unexpectedly, the dialing stopped.

Followed by the same voice that still managed to make my heart beat against my chest so hard I wanted to scream.


I wanted to speak. Talk to her and tell her I loved her but the lump in my throat grew bigger. I could feel the tears well up in my eyelids because I hated my incapability to speak to her when I had the chance after six long months. The frustration grew and I clenched my fists by my side.

"Is anyone there?" She asked again in her sweet voice.

My breathing got heavier by the second. I hated myself for this. Her voice reminded me of the summer and rain, all at the same time like a dream I had a long time ago.

She was my dream.

There was shuffling in the background and I held my breath as she spoke again. "I-If there's no one there, I'm hanging up."

I shut my eyes tightly, hating myself even more as I took the handset away from my ear and slammed it back against the hook. I might as well have destroyed it but I contained my anger and walked back to my seat, scrunching my fingers up in frustration.

I buried my face in my hands and fought the urge to scream and let my anger go, which in the end made me even more frustrated. If I couldn't even talk to her on the phone, what made me think that I was capable of talking to her when I saw her in person?

Disappointment, that was what I felt.

"You look like you want to rip someone's throat to shreds," a female voice with a heavy Irish accent mused.

My head snapped up to see a young girl, about fourteen smiling at me with an amused expression. I had the urge to scowl but instead looked away. "What do you want?"

The girl smiled wider and shuffled into the seat across me, ignoring the two finely dressed adults, possibly her parents, in the booth with her. She leaned closer to me and frowned. "I'd say, you lost someone you love. And now you want her back."

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