1.0: Manchester

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  ~ Here To Sunday - All over the place; over a very wide area or distance. 

We were back where we started.

Or where I started.

This time, it was different. Infinite Distress was with me and I wasn't complaining. We had spent the last six months touring around Asia and now, it was time to head back to Manchester for another set of meetings, interviews and small gigs.

My relationship with the band had changed drastically over the months, going from awkward as though we had met for the first time all over again, but soon enough, we were back to what we were before, only closer than before. I was grateful for my relationship with them because without their company, I probably wouldn't have lasted a single second without Sam.

The thought of his name still clenched my heart tighter than it should, because I knew that he was still out there somewhere. I could feel him, as I always did as though he was close but it had been so long since I'd last seen him that nothing would probably feel the same anymore.

The space between us got bigger and bigger as time passed and there was a silent agreement between the both of us that we wouldn't try to contact each other until the time was right but because of that, the doubts about our future together grew as did time.

Asher and I had gotten considerably close as well. He had been the one to pick me up from the airport in Brighton the day I left Sam and we took the private jet back to an island where he had been busy taking a break off a coast of Hawaii. Ever since that day, our relationship had changed.

He claimed to love me now and as though the old fangirl crush I had on him for the past ten years been ignited, I was almost quick to say I loved him too but every time the subject came up, I never had the feeling that it was right.

There were so many things that happened in the past half year that I couldn't even count on my fingers.

But if it was any consolation, I did go to more countries within the past year than I ever did in my entire life.

As though on cue, the plane signaled for us to put our seat belts on so I closed my book that I had gotten a long time ago, Here Till Sunday, shut because even after so long, I still hadn't found the right ending to give it. And I wasn't about to rush through such perfection.

"Hey," Asher smiled as he came over to me, gesturing to the seat across my own. "Anyone sitting here?"

I shook my head without saying a word.

He quickly claimed the seat and tucked his seat belt on before breathing a sigh of relief. His blue eyes rested on me, warm but icy at the same time and I felt myself tilting my head to watch them.

I must have been staring at him for far too long that he got awkward because he shut his eyes and looked away.

"W-Why are you staring at me?" He coughed, squirming in his seat.

I snapped my eyes to the handrest beside him and instead chose to smile through my mixed emotions. "You have a growing pimple on your forehead. You're starting to look like a unicorn."

His eyes widened and he slapped a palm on his knee as he turned his entire body backwards to look behind, glaring at the back of Patrick's head. "I'll kill Pat! He knows I'm allergic to corn but he insisted that the soup for breakfast today wasn't corn soup! I'm going to act out, oh my god."

"Calm down, Asher," I laughed. "I was just kidding. Your face is flawless, like always."

His head snapped back to me so fast, I was surprised he didn't get whiplash. He scowled at me and pointed a finger at me. "I hate you."

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