Chapter 31: Deep Fried Tarantulas

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"And so you should,"

"Are you mad at me?"

"Yes I am mad at you,"

"Oh," he looked sad, I couldn't keep a straight face,

"I'm joking kiddo, how could I stay mad at you" he smiled,

"I am sorry though"

"I know you are. Breakfast is ready if you're up for it that is?"

"I'll be out after a shower, save me some" He said,

"Dara has made plenty," he smiled,

"10 minutes" He said, I left laughing.

"So is he alive?" Tayte asked as I sat next to him,

"Just about" I said, "No, he's alright, besides the massive headache, he'll live"

"So what do we have planned today?" Tammara asked,

"Explore a bit of Siem Reap and then just see how the day goes" I replied,

"You should go on a Tuk Tuk" Dara said,

"A Tuk what?" Tayte said,

"A Tuk Tuk, its transport, kind of like a horse and cart type thing, without the horse"

"Sounds fun" I said.

Noah appeared 15 minutes later and plonked himself down in a chair,

"You look better,"

"Good, I don't feel better" He pouted.

"Aw poor baby" Tayte laughed,

"Ha ha, shut up" He said with a smile, "Have Mum, Dad and Talina left already?"

"They left at 8" Tammara said,

"You've been up since 8" Noah said,

"It's because Dara's been here" I teased.

"You and him a thing?" Noah said,

"Noah" Tammara shrieked,

"I'm going to loo" he said running off, we all laughed, including Dara,

"You more than welcome to join us" I told Dara, Tammara looked at him,

"That's very kind, but I cannot I'm afraid. I have to cook in the restaurants. Maybe on my day off?"

"That would be wonderful" Tammara said.

He left soon after we'd finished, Tammara walked out with him.

"So is there something going on with those two or not?" Noah asked, the first thing he'd said since reappearing.

"She likes him" I said,

"So why doesn't she do something about it" He said in a 'duh' voice. We laughed,

"Oh that easy is it" We answered, he smiled,

"It can be" he replied, "So...what's happening?"

"We are going to Siem Reap and going in a Tuk Tuk,"

"Sounds amazing, let's go"


So we have now found Noah's new favourite mode of transport. A Batmobile Tuk Tuk, he went absolutely mad. It was very amusing to watch, we zoomed around, that was when the traffic was moving, which wasn't very often. Plus we have realised how dangerous it is to drive in Cambodia, it's like a living death trap no matter what vehicle you are driving in.

Beneath The Skies (Book 3 of Running Series)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum