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~Three weeks later~

  You sighed, running your hands down your dress. It was finally time, and you were as nervous as you had evee been. All your bridesmaids watched you, sitting in their (your favorite color) dresses.

   "You're nervous, we get it. But Dean is head over heels for you, you could walk out there in a plastic bag and he'd say you'd never looked so beautiful." Dixie whispered to you, fixing your veil and handing you your bouquet. You smiled and nodded. The music began to play and your bridesmaids began to walk out and down the aisle, one of the groomsmen on their arms. Soon, it was your turn. You pushed all your nervousness down and walked out, holding your bouquet high.

   The second your eyes landed on Dean's, all your nervousness went away. It was only you and him. You were going to marry the man you loved. As you neared the altar you didn't notice everyone watching you walk down, you completely forgot they were there. Every tree surrounding you was wrapped in twinkling lights, which would be lit up when the sun went down. Dean's  expression hit you the most, because he was lookung at you as if you were the greatest thing in the world, and you weren't sure but you thought you saw tears in his eyes. Finally you reached the altar and joined hands with Dean. It wasn't long before you were exchanging rings, then finally the priest said those binding words.

   "I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." He said, and Dean immediately dipped you and pulled you into a kiss. The applaud was deafening, but that wasn't important in this moment. You were Mrs. Y/n Winchester.

   After the priest left the reception started, and you were pleasantly surprised. Everyone was getting along, despite the differences. You were about to walk over to Garth when you saw Gabe sitting alone. You guys still hadn't officially talked since he had slapped you in the hospital, and you knew he felt horrible. So you walked over to him.

   "Why so glum? I thought you'd be tearing up the dance floor or something." You said, sitting next to him. He looked at you, smiling a little.

    "Congrats y/n. You look beautiful." He said, and you sighed before grabbing his hand. He looked at you, confused.

   "I forgive you. Don't beat yourself up over the slap, I forgave you a long time ago. You should forgive yourself too." You said, before hugging him and getting up to go talk to others. It might've been your imagination, but he seemed to look a little brighter than before. After awhile, it was time to do the part where you and Dean danced together. 'Kiss Me' by Ed Sheeran began playing, and Dean held his hand out to you. You smiled and took it, both of you drifting to the dance floor.

    "You look so beautiful, I don't know how it's even possible." He whispered to you, to which you blushed before lightly hitting his shoulder.

   "You're not too bad yourself." You shot back, laughter in your voice. He pecked your lips before spinning you around.

    "You have no idea how happy I am." You started, "Our relationship has been a little rocky, but everything is finally smooth sailing."

(Oh no something's gonna go wrong isn't it? Wait, I'm the author. Oh.)

   "I agree, I finally get to call you mine." He said, doing a stupid little shimmy that made you laugh.

  "You were always able to call me yours, even when we weren't together. I always was and always will be yours." You said, thinking back to the time when you were with Parker. Your mind was always on Dean, no matter what.

   "Well that's good to know. Even when you were with that Parker guy you didn't have any second thoughts?" He asked.

  "Nope. I even called him Dean once. But let's not talk about him, this is our day." You said, and he nodded before you guys finished your dance and other couples joined. You made your way to the table before sitting down and taking a sip of champagne.

   "Y/n, come here." Charlie said, opening her arms. You stood up and fell into her hug, laughing.
   "I'm so happy. Two of my best friends are married and sickly in love." She sighed, "It's great."
  "Thanks. How about You? Any girls catch your eye here?" You asked, a smile playing on your lips.

    "Actually yes." She said, squinting and looking for the person. "There." She said, pointing to Jo Harvelle. You smiled.

   "I think you should give it a shot." You said, watching as she talked with
Sam and Ash.

   "You really think so?" Charlie asked, and you nodded. You had faith something good would come out of that. Charlie pulled her dress down a bit before sighing and making her way over. You grinned and sat back down, gazing at everyone who had come. Which was everybody on your list. You guessed all types of creatures liked weddings.

   "Hey y/n." Cas said, walking over. You smiled at him, not responding. To tell the truth you were daydreaming.

   "I want to say congratulations on the wedding. It was quite touching. You and Dean truly love each other." Cas  said, and you smiled. You watched as Dean danced with Ellen, and your heart melted.

  "Yeah, he's one hell of a guy." You said, a large smile still on your face. Cas sat in silence for a moment before speaking, and your stomach dropped at the words.

  "Y/n, Dean's dying." Cas said.

A/n: Okay I have a few things. First, sorry for taking forever to update this. Second, Merry Christmas. And third, I promise when I wrote the parentheses about something bad happening I had no idea I would write  that Dean was dying. I write a few words of a chapter then wing it. So I'm just as shocked as you are. Okay that's all. Bye!

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