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~Dean's POV~ 

       "She's going to die." I breathed out, "She's going to die and it's my fault." I ran a hand down my face, trying to get a hold of myself. Sam grabbed my shoulder, forcing me to look at him. 

  "Dean, let's go to the hospital. She'll want you there if she wakes up." Sam said, leading me towards the Impala. 

  "Why would she want me there? It's my fault she's like this." I replied, getting into the passenger seat. 

  "Because, when I got there, she was calling for you. She wanted you there. She still will." Sam explained, driving towards the hospital. He was weirdly calm for his best friend being on the verge of death. 

   "She was saying my name? Really?" I asked, and Sam nodded. I made a 'huh' sound, and looked out the window. If Y/n died, I would never forgive myself. I should've been there, I should've protected her. 

~Your POV~ 

~Several hours after you got to the hospital~ 

       The beeping of machines filled your mind. You tried to move, to open your eyes, anything. But it seemed your body wasn't listening to you. Then you heard voices. 

  "How is she doc?" Was that Dean? You thought he hated you, what was he doing in the hospital? 

  "I'm sorry to inform you that Y/n has fallen into a coma. We have no was to wake her." A deep voice replied. A coma? You were in a coma? 

  "A coma? How? You need to do something!" Dean yelled, you wanted to agree with him, or fight until you woke up, but the darkness was pulling on you. No, you had to wake up. But it was too late, you got pulled in. 

    You opened your eyes, realizing you were in a bed. In a house. The window at the opposite of the room was open, blowing in fresh air. The view was beautiful.  A lush backyard with a swing set and a trampoline, slowly turned into the edge of a gorgeous forest. You could hear the bubbling on a stream, and birds singing their songs. Climbing out of bed, you walked up to the window and sat on the bay next to it. Closing your eyes and inhaling, you smiled. You had no idea where you were, or what you were doing here, but you loved it. Last thing you remembered was getting beat up by Parker. 

   "Y/n, baby, what are you doing?" You turned around to see Dean. A towel wrapped around his waist and his hair dripping wet. 

  "I was breathing in some fresh air." You turned back to the window, "It's so beautiful." You commented. 

  "Yeah it is, but we're going to be late to Cassia's dance recital if you don't get your cute ass up and get ready." Dean said, and you could hear him rummaging around the room. You turned around, confused. 

   "Cassia?" You asked, wondering what the hell was going on. But suddenly it came to you. Cassia, the oldest of your and Dean's three children. She had your h/c hair and Dean's green eyes. She is ten years old and loves the color yellow. Every memory from your life before the coma vanished, and the memories of this life took their place. No monsters, no hunting. Nothing.

   "Are you okay?" Dean asked, walking over, "Are you drunk or something?"

  "Why would you say that? No. I just got confused for a second. I just woke up baby." You replied, wondering why you got confused.

  "Alright." He kissed your forehead, "Get ready. I'll go get the gang up. Maybe make breakfast foe once." He said. You laughed.

   "That would be a miracle." You said, and he winked before backing out of the room. Getting up, you closed the window and went to your closet. You pulled out a sweatshirt and skinny jeans, deciding to go with your comfort clothes. Once you were dressed, you did your makeup, then french-braided your hair. By the time you got downstairs, all three of your kids were up and running around. Cassia was practicing her routine, Aiden (your seven year old son that had your eyes and hair, also loved mac and cheese and dirt) was sitting at the table scribbling in a coloring book. Then there was Eadlyn, (your adorable four year old girl with Dean's eyes and hair, who was obsessed with anything pink) she was talking in her own little language while playing with barbie dolls. Dean was flipping pancakes, a pot of coffee brewing next to him. 

   "Good morning my munchkins, how are we doing today?" You asked, placing your hands on your hips. All three kids responded with things along the lines of "Great" "Horrible" and "Eh." You laughed and turned around to get the plates out of the cupboard. You set them on the table, commenting Aiden on his art. 

   "Well you're in a good mood this morning." Dean commented, pouring more batter onto the pan. You laughed and kissed him quickly before pulling away. 

  "It's a good day!" You replied. Dean smiled before turning back to make breakfast. The doorbell rang, and you went to answer it. There stood Sam, Jess, and their little girl Marie. She was eight months old. 

  "You guys came!" You exclaimed, hugging Sam then hugging Jess, making sure not to crush the baby. 

  "Come in, Dean is making breakfast then we'll head to the recital." You said, opening it wider for the small family to come in. 

  "Smells good. Where are my nieces and nephew?" Sam asked, and you pointed to the family room. Sam grinned and walked in, and you instantly heard the delighted squeals of your children. 

   "They adore him. It's always 'uncle Sammy' this and 'uncle Sammy' that." You told Jess, laughter in your voice. 

   "Yeah, he's a prize." She said, and you turned to her. "I would like to hold this little darling. Haven't seen her in quite some time." You said, and Jess handed over the baby. 

  "I'm sorry about that. Sam has been very busy with his lawyer stuff and I had to take care of Marie." Jess explained. 

  "No it's fine, I promise you that. I just am glad we get this time together." You replied, looking down at the baby. 

  "It's all okay." 

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