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    Dean's face filled with obvious shock, and the tension was almost tangible. You sighed, took the flowers, and moved for Parker to come in. 

  "So who is this?" Parker asked, looking at Dean. You looked up at Dean, and his face was filled with shock, jealousy, rage, sadness, and confusion. 

  "Parker, this is Dean. My ex." You said, and Parker's emotions about matched Dean's. It was like you were in between two dogs who were ready to tear each other apart over a bone. You were the bone. 

  "Why is he here?" Parker asked, all good feelings gone. You walked into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase, both men following you in. 

  "He came because of Felicity's death. He's an FBI agent. And since I was the one who found her he wanted to ask me questions." You lied. 

  "At four in the morning? And he's in casual clothes." Parker called you out, and you wished you could just disappear. Dean wouldn't take his eyes off Parker, his jaw and fists clenched. 

  "All right fine! We slept together! It didn't mean anything, and I wish it had never happened. I wish he would have just stayed gone. I wish I'd never met him." You exploded, before gasping and covering your mouth with your hand. Dean had never looked so hurt, and he grabbed his jacket and marched out of the house without a word. 

  "You slept with another man two days after we broke up?" Parker asked, bewilderment in his voice. 

  "I didn't think you were coming back, and like I said it didn't mean anything. It was just to numb the pain of Felicity and you." You muttered. Parker walked over, but when you looked up his face was contorted in anger. 

  "You little slut." He growled, "I'm gone for two seconds and you already spread your legs for another man." He backhanded you across the face, and you stumbled over your own feet. You hit your head on the kitchen island, and instantly felt something warm drip down your head. You tried to crawl away from Parker, but he grabbed your ankles and pulled you back. 

   "Please, don't do this. I'm sorry." You pleaded, but he just began punching and kicking you anywhere he could. Your head, chest, stomach, legs, arms, etc. You cried out with each blow, rasping for help because you couldn't speak. But no one was going to come, and you were convinced you'd be dead soon. 

~Dean's POV~ 

        After Y/n's words, I couldn't handle it. I tore out of that house like it was on fire. I sat in the Impala for a few minutes, before speeding away. It was one of those rare moments when I let my guard down, and tears fell freely down my face. After all this time, I found her. But then she says she wished she had never met me. It's painful. I drive up to the hotel, taking a few minutes to get control of myself before knocking on the hotel room Sam was in. He opened the door, and seemed to be looking for someone. 

  "She didn't come. Her boyfriend showed up, she said she wished she'd never met me, and I left." I told him, and he looked shocked. I walked into the hotel room, grabbed a beer, and sat down on a bed. 

  "Let me go talk to her, I'm not letting her do this case alone." Sam said, walking over to me. I took a long sip before answering. 

  "Go ahead, I don't give a damn anymore." I said, and Sam left. I finished off the beer and went to get another one. 

~Your POV~ 

        Parker was still beating you when the door opened, of course you didn't hear it over the sound of the hits and your crying. But suddenly, Parker was pulled off you. Your vision was blurry, and you looked over to see someone on top of Parker. They seemed to be hitting him, but you weren't sure because soon after that you passed out. 

~Dean's POV~

   My phone rang, and I looked at the caller ID. It was Sam. I sighed and answered.

   "I swear if you make me talk to her I'll beat your ass." I growled.

  "No, Dean. I got here and her boyfriend was beating y/n. I got him off and scuffed him up a bit, but y/n passed out. She's not doing too good. Cops are coming for boyfriend, and an ambulance for y/n." Sam said, his voice panicked and afraid. My whole body went cold, and I was shaking with anger.

  "I'm on my way." I said, before hanging up and going to find a car to get to y/n's house.

    By the time I arrived, the cops had arrived and weren't letting anyone in. But one show of my FBI badge got me in. Sam was pacing the room, and I walked over to him.

   "Where is she?" I asked, my voice trembling.
   "The ambulance took her, I was waiting until you got here to go." Sam explained.

  "What about the guy?" I asked, wanting nothing more than to beat him.

   "The cops took him. Dean, let's go to the hospital. Okay? I was talking to the paramedic that evaluated y/n, and...." Sam stopped, seeming like he didn't want to say it.

   "What is it?" I asked, not being able to handle what could happen to her.

  "He said that she has a 80% chance of not making it."

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