Chapter 49: Cheer Tryouts

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Tryouts, noun.
Where as much as you tell yourself to do your best, and not worry about the others competing, you know you're going to worry about if they're better than you anyway. Because when it comes down to it, it doesn't matter if you do better than you've ever done before. If someone else is better than you, they'll get the place on the team. These are the sad facts of life.

Chapter forty nine: Cheer Tryouts
"Meah! Hurry up girl, we have to go!"
"Would you chill?" She yelled through the bathroom door. "We've still got ten minutes before we need to leave." Today was the day of the cheerleading tryouts, and both Meah and myself were trying out for team Reckless, which was a level six team. We were leaving in a few to drive to Ventura, where the gym was, with Simon and JJ, leaving Lachlan and Preston to get their Pack recordings done. Simon and JJ wouldn't be allowed to watch the tryouts, so they planned to go exploring by themselves, whilst they waited for us.

Meah finally emerged from the bathroom, and after grabbing her cheer bag, we all headed downstairs to the car. Both of us had our old cheer practice outfits on from our gym back in Perth, so we were repping the green and gold.
"Did you hear any more from ATV, Jord?" Asked JJ, as we drove down the highway.
"Yeah, they called me the day after we got here, to check we got in alright, and to let me know what they're planning on doing. They'll be filming the practice today, so we're jumping straight into things, by the sound of it."
"She gets her own show if she makes the team," explained Simon, to whom I'd already given all the details. "Its sick. I'll have a virtual girlfriend, I'll be watching every single episode!" We laughed at him.
"And you'll be just like all of your own fan girls, so you can tell them you know how they feel," giggled Meah. "Except they get Simon three times a day, you'll only get an episode once a week."
"Way to rub it in!" I protested. "And we can Skype everyday, so it's better than videos."

I felt nervously excited as I entered the doors of the California Allstars Bullets Gym with my cousin. There was tonnes of other cheerleaders arriving as well, a lot of guys, but mostly girls, and there were people showing everyone where they could put their bags, and where to go for warming up. The Awesomeness TV crew were already there, and they'd already interviewed a few people for the Smoed show. The tryouts for level 5 were almost finished, and then we'd begin tryouts for level six. The ATV crew that was here today consisted of two girls - Jenayah and Hayley, and a guy - Eli. We talked together about what they wanted to film today, as we waited for our turn for tryouts.
"We didn't want to take away from our existing show by doing another show on a whole cheerleading team," explained Jenayah, "So this will be more focussed on you, although we will get footage of the whole team for the show."
"We plan on uploading the first video in about a month, after the first few practices, if you make the team," said Eli.
"No pressure, huh?" I chuckled. They laughed.
"You'll be fine, Jordyn," grinned Hayley. "Oh, it looks like they're starting level six tryouts now! You better go meet the coaches - they're crazy, but fun, you'll love them!"
"Okay," I nodded. "Thanks guys! I'll see you later."
"Good luck!" Called Eli, as I pushed open the door to the gym floors. I saw Meah waiting with the other people who were trying out, and went over to join her. There was quite a lot of people, and this was a small Coed team, meaning only twenty of us could be chosen, with a maximum of four boys.
"No pressure, huh?" Meah said to me, looking around at all the other people.
"I was just saying that to the ATV guys," I replied, smiling. "Don't worry about it, this is between you and the floor, don't compare yourself to the others, just go for your personal best."
"Same to you," she grinned. "Good luck!"
"Oh my gosh it's Jordyn Nexus!" Squealed someone. I turned to see one of the girls with her hand over her mouth, and a big smile on her face. I smiled too.
"Hey, how are you?" I grinned.
"I'm great, actually," she replied. "And sorry for screaming, I just... oh wow, everyone's been saying you were gonna join this gym, so it was true!"
"If I get in," I said. "There's so many people here today."
"Well, good luck," she said. "And is it okay if we take a picture later?"
"For sure," I grinned. "Come find me after. And good luck to you too, it's great to meet you!"

The tryouts went fairly well for me, and I was able to throw my best tumbling, although I touched out on one of my passes. I wasn't sure where I'd end up being put in the team, since when I'd been on a senior team, I'd been a flier from about age twelve to fourteen, and then a base from fifteen to seventeen. This was an open team, and I was probably one of the lighter ones, so I could have ended up being a flier again, which would be nice. The only thing I'd never tried was back-spotting, so I hoped they wouldn't put me in for that. Level six was harder, and I hadn't done a lot of it before, and certainly never competed at that level before, but I think I did okay.

A/N: I am perfectly aware that the cheer season starts in like May or something, and worlds are held in April of the following year. For the purposes of this story, the season starts in January, and worlds are held in June. I know it's really short but just roll with it okay haha

K thnx Bai :)

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