Chapter 7: The Impressions Challenge

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Challenge, noun.
The genre of video recorded with two or more banterous idiots. Just find a word and stick challenge on the end, and bam, there's the title for your video!

Chapter seven: The Impressions Challenge

"Sup guys, welcome to the Youtuber Impersonations challenge," yelled Simon at the camera.

"Woo!" I yelled. "Hype!"

The others laughed.

"Basically," continued Simon, "we've got me, Josh, Jordyn, Vik, and Freya." He pointed to each of us who were sitting around the island bench in the Sidemen kitchen. "You pull a name out the bowl of a random Youtuber, and you've gotta impersonate that person, and the rest of us are gonna try and guess who it is."

"And the viewers can guess too," added Josh.

"Josh, you're going first," stated Simon.

Josh took a name from the bowl, and read it silently.

"Oh wow, okay," he said, looking up. "This one is so easy. Uh... Alright boys and girls, we're gonna have an extra legitimate music video today, about KITTEH!" We all burst out laughing.

"WASHERMASHEN!" I yelled. "You forgot the Washermashen."

"And that derpy background track he uses in like... EVERY video," laughed Freya. "Joe Weller, everybody."

"Got it in one," Josh laughed.

"Yeah, that was pretty easy," agreed Simon. "Jordy your go next."

I pulled out the next piece of paper, and smiled when I read it. I started talking really fast.

"Alright everybody I have ADHD so if you're struggling to keep up with my ideas I'm sorry if you're not as random as me TEEHEE!"

"Oh, I know who it is," said Simon immediately.

I grinned. This was Simon's favourite Youtuber.

"I knew you'd get it," I laughed. "Don't give it away yet, see if anyone else can guess."

"Nah, I'm lost," said Vik, shaking his head. "Keep going."

"Ah, well, I live in like, America," I stated, putting on the accent. "And I'm Asian, and I'm also an agent of secret stuff, and I like to do Parkourse."

"I've got it," grinned Freya. Vik was still looking thoughtful.

"Are you NigaHiga?" He asked.

"You got it," I grinned, holding my paper up to the camera. "He's only like, the best Vlogger youtuber ever."

"Don't even get me started," laughed Simon. "Alright, Vik. Go."

Vik took out a slip of paper from the bowl. He began to put on an accent.

"Hey, what's going on dudes, it's..."
"It's who?" Prompted Josh.

"Well I'm not gonna say their name, idiot," laughed Vik.

"I know who it is," I laughed. "Vik that was a hopeless Canadian accent though!"

"Jordy!" Complained Simon. "That just gave it away for me. Wait, sort of. It's one of the Pack guys, isn't it."

"Ha, but which one," grinned Vik. "There's two Canadians."

"I don't know the Pack guys," sighed Freya. "I give up on this one."

"Go on Mr Canadian," I prompted. "What are we playing today."

"Oh, today we're playing the hunger games," continued Vik in his dreadful accent.

"Ah, it's Mitch," stated Josh.

"Ooooor BajanCanadian," I grinned.

"Jordyn you're too good at this," laughed Freya.

"No, these are just all easy ones to guess!" I protested. "Frey it's your go now."

Freya pulled out a slip, and began yelling.

"WHAT IS GOING ON EVERYBODY! It's ya boy... Wait, I can't say his name. Um... Get hyper, beast, Lamborghini..."

"Keep up, can you, can you keep up!" Chanted Vik.

"It's ya boy, KSIOlajideBT," said Josh. "Jordy you're right, these are all easy."

"Well I had it at 'it's ya boy,' but I was staying out of that one," I laughed. "Simon, go. Your turn."

Simon pulled out a paper, and started laughing.

"Hey guys, it's... Insert name here..." We laughed at this. "Oi, shut up."

"Oh my gosh," I stated, and began laughing, realising what accent he was trying to do.

"Yo guys, we are gonna be playing minecraft today, and we're gonna be singing at the same time because yolooooooo alright, okay. A-aright okay. Heh, I just became Macklemore. Anyway..."

"I dunno what's worse, the accent, or the rambling," I giggled.

"It's you, Jordy!" Grinned Vik.

"I sound nothing like that," I laughed. "Simon that accent was not Australian at all."

"The rambling was 100% you though," smirked Josh. "You do that in real life as well, not just your videos."

"I cut it out of a lot of my videos, because half the time I listen to it and it just makes no sense at all," I explained, and they laughed.

"Okay. So that's all for today," said Simon, and we began to copy his hand gestures behind him as he did his outro. "Hope you guys enjoyed, leave a like if you did, and check out all these guys' channels, links in the description, and cya!"

He turned, and glared at us. "You're idiots," he muttered, standing up and turning off the camera.

A/N: sorry this chapter is kinda short, I want to put in a 'video' chapter every now and then of a video they record, and if you haven't noticed I keep my chapters to around 1,000 words per chapter so I know exactly how long my story is/which chapter I'm up to, (it helps when I'm writing) so one video kinda takes up a whole chapter.


This story is so completely different to anything else I've written (If you've read my other stories you'll notice it's not set in an AU and there is almost a complete lack of violence haha) as a result this is really challenging for me to write, and I struggle to find conflict to put into it, so please bare with me with slow updates, I absolutely refuse to upload anything I'm not completely happy with lol. And feel free to drop any ideas you have in the comments :)

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it

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