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Whoever said the phrase, You will only realise how important a person is when you lost him, was right. Maybe I should have been more observant. Maybe I should have seen that she was depressed. I looked around her room, all of her things was still in place, like she was still there, living. Her sci-fi books, her orange bean bag that was massively out of place in her white room, her Chanel no.5 that was still lingering in the air.

It was Sunday morning, the rain was pounding on my window, over the bed. The first thought that came to my mind was something was wrong. The second one was strangely, Maroon 5. There was no smell of eggs, no Kelsey pounding at my door. It was quiet, if you don't count the rain. Until it was broken by a choked cry and a yell, coming from Kelsey's room.

I ran, grabbing my phone in the process. Her door was opened widely, making me see Blake, her half-brother and our roommate, crouched beside Kelsey. She was lying on a pool of blood, her hair almost the same shade. Blake looked at me in despair, "Come on Cheyenne, call the ambulance!"

I remembered the phone I was clutching tightly between my sweaty fingers. Strangely, I felt nothing. I was numb, I can imagine how painful it'll be if I wasn't. I raised the phone, attempting to unlock it. My fingers was too wet, making the screen slippery. After a few tries, I finally managed to call them. I told them the address, to come here with an ambulance, and hanged up.

Blake sat back, his fingers was coated with blood, her blood. He looked back at me, his face clear of any emotions. If I look at the mirror I would probably see the same thing, "She's gone."

After he said that two words, everything was hazy. I was in my own little world where, I believe that this was a nightmare, or that, Kelsey was playing a prank, a massive, terrible prank. The paramedics came, along with her mother and Blake's. I was told that I called Ms. Drew, Kelsey's mother, instead of the ambulance. After they hauled her body from the floor, my body went auto pilot. I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower, dressing up in a white shirt and pants. Kelsey loves white, it reminds her of purity, which she wasn't according to her.

I went to the kitchen, heating up a plate of pasta. I stared on the microwave, spacing out, until the ding of it woke me up. I got it out, placing it on the counter and ate slowly. Blake came to the kitchen, opening the fridge, drinking the milk from the bottle. Kelsey hates it when he does that, she said that it's like, kissing his brother.

"Stop that, Kelsey won't like it." I told him off. He looked at me and shrugged, putting on the cap and back to the fridge.

He sat down beside me, stealing a macaroni. Nico, Blake's twin, barged in the kitchen, startling us both. He gave us a look, "Are you serious? Kelsey just committed suicide and you two are eating lasagna?"

Blake and I looked at each other, and I lifted a shoulder. "Everyone dies." Nico looked angry but I wasn't finished. "But, Kelsey chose to. It's not yet her time. I feel like, its partly my fault. Why didn't I noticed that something was bloody wrong? I was her best friend, for Christ's sake."

It's been a week since that happened. Ms. Drew chose to cremate her. The three of us, Nico, Blake and I, is sitting on the living room, staring out the window. "She is– was great. Even though we didn't had a chance to get to know each other more." Nico, her other half brother, patted my back. I giggled hysterically, Kelsey hated such cliché phrases. That bitch, why does everything somehow reminds me of her?

Blake handed me a bottle of what looks like tanqueray. "Here, maybe this will help." I held out my hand to accept the bottle but their mother chose that time to barge in the room.

She raised her eyebrows at my outreached arm, "Oh no you aren't going to give a minor alcohol, Blake." She gave me a package that I didn't notice she was holding. "Andrea, or Ms. Drew, told me to give this to you. According to her, this was on Kelsey's room. It was labeled for you. We both think that she was supposed to give it to you as a birthday gift, knowing that you like to read. Anyways, Happy Birthday." She left the room, her blonde hair swishing around her.

I didn't realised that it was the 25th of May already. Blake and Nico both looked surprised. "It's your birthday? I didn't know. Happy Birthday, Pepper." They call me Pepper, they thought it was funny, because of my name, Cayenne. I tore the package, and I was right. It was a book. The cover was a polaroid photo pinched between dainty fingers. I can't make out what the photo was, all I can see is water, and two girls. I can see clearly that it was a candid shot. The title was only HN-EF. I flipped it open, Her non-existent fairytale written on it. It was Kelsey's writing, and the ink was smudged intentionally.

I looked down on the simple writing, sighing wistfully. "I didn't know either."

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