Chapter 18 visiting Volterra

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Aro asked me to come visit so he can meet his grandkids and he needed to talk to me about something so I told him I was planning to visit next week. I was already stressed out with all the work I'm doing with the pack and the tribe, Lilly is nervous about going to Volterra with us because of what happened to her before I saved her. "Lilly if you don't want to come with us you don't half to I bet Seth will like you to stay" "no I want to I have to face them and I asked Seth to come with us so I feel calm ok." "Alright just don't think too hard on it" all of use were still packing when I herd a knock at the front door, I went to answer it to fined Seth with his suit case and some of Lilly's favorite flower so I put my finger to my mouth and told him she was in the kitchen. So he snuck in the kitchen while I brought his bag into the house, I could here Lilly scream in surprise at seeing Seth with flowers in his hand for her. As I was putting our luggage next to the front door then there was a knock at the door so I opened the door to be faced with my daughter Ruby who I haven't seen for years. "Hi mom long time no see" "(hugs Ruby) Ruby I've missed you so much please tell me your staying" "yes mom I'm here to stay with you" "come in come in. I need to tell you something" "mom ok what do you need to tell me" "well your a big sister and I found my mate". "Oh my god I'm so happy for you and can I meet them" "ok but he's not here right now but the baby's are in the playpen right next to you" "there so beautiful but they look a little bit like Demitri Volturi" "how do you know Demitri" "well when I left you I was staying with a coven who created a immortal child. The Volturi came and kill everyone and was about to kill me until I asked Aro to please just read my mind he did and said to let me go so I ran and never looked back." "Oh my god I'm going to give them such an ear full when we go visit" "mom what are you talking about" "Ruby Aro is my father and Demitri is my mate and the father of your little brother & sister" "mom I'm so sorry I shouldn't have said any thing" "hey it's ok I'm just now starting to talk to Aro after what he did and Demitri lives here on conditions I agreed to". I hugged my daughter to show her it was ok that she told me this because I need her to feel like she can tell me anything. Ruby then met Lilly who lives here and Seth her boyfriend, she became good friends with the both of them. I am happy I have my Ruby back with me I've been so worried about her, I also get to yell at Aro and Demitri for what they almost did to my daughter and it's not going to be pretty when I get there. After everything we would need was packed I loaded it all in my truck and off we went to the air port to fly to Italy, then took a car to Volterra where I was met by the human secretary who brought us to the throne room.

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