Chapter 3 Twin Brother and a New Life

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As I was heading towards a boat that would take me and Elizabeth to France someone came up to me "hi are you Katherine by any chance." "Yes I am. Who are you and how do you know my name?" "Oh I'm sorry. My name is Alexander Volturi I'm your twin brother." "I don't have a twin brother I'm an only child my mom died after giving birth to me. So you must have the wrong person." "No I have the right person your name is Katherine Volturi your half human half vampire. You were raised by our moms friend Pearl till she was killed in Salem Massachusetts for being accused of being a witch." "How do you know all this? Why are you here?" "I know all this because our father and I have been watching you. Im here because our father wants to have you with us in Volterra Italy." "Well you can tell him I will never come with anyone to Volterra Italy. Because there is nothing there for me so good day sir." After that I walked to Elizabeth and we got on a boat to France where we will head to Egypt to live for a while. Once we got to France we headed towards Egypt and got a house next to the Nile river on the outskirts of town were we would be safe for now. We watched fish swim and boats float by, I watched as family's pass by having love and happiness in there eyes it made me think if I made the right disunion by leaving America the place me and Elizabeth were born. I practiced my gifts and magic every chance I got like Pearl did before she was burned at the stake it made me feel stronger and I felt closer to her somehow. While in Egypt I sense something like someone was watching me and Elizabeth so I focused one of my gifts to see if I was right and I was we were being watch. The next day I told Elizabeth and we left heading towards Japan and make sure we don't get cot by the people after us. I felt bad about us moving every year I never wanted Elizabeth to be sad or depressed after a few years I received an invitation from the Volturi to attended a ball. I knew it was from my father Aro Volturi I don't really know him, but I remember what he looks like and his voice. I decided that me and Elizabeth would attended the ball even though I felt like something was going to happen but I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. Today was the day of the ball so me and Elizabeth got ready for it with only 2 hours left before we go to the ball where I knew I would see my father I didn't really want to see the guy who said he was my twin brother but I had a feeling he would be there. When we made it to the ball i was speechless at how beautiful it looked we walked around till Elizabeth tensed up and I knew why she found her mate. I smiled at who it was, it was Alec Volturi one of the high guards in the Volturi along with Jane, Demetri, and Felix. Elizabeth was asked to dance while I went out to the balcony that to look out at a beautiful garden till I was pulled from my thoughts by Elizabeth. "Katherine I'm having such a lovely time and I think I would like to stay here with Alec." "Alright as long as your happy I will not make you leave (kiss forehead). I knew one day that I would need to let you go like I promised your mother before she died. Here this necklace was your mothers she asked me to give this to you when you found the one you love and now I'm keeping my promise. Now go on I think Alec is looking for you." Then Elizabeth ran off to Alec leaving me to my thoughts, I was happy that Elizabeth has found her mate. As the night went on I felt that it was time for me to leave so I left to go home and pack my things I had already sent Elizabeth her things so all I had to do now is leave and go back to the place where I was born.

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