She rolled her eyes bringing her glass to her mouth, "I knew few recipes but you don't have to worry we can hire a cook so you won't starve to death," she giggles and it sounds like heaven. "What's your favourite food by the way?"

"I can live with pizza my entire life, so a professional cook is unnecessary. And besides I'd prefer to eat my wife's dish" I smirked before taking another sip from the glass. She just shook her head and sip her drinks.

"Yeah I know pizza is life but we can't eat it everyday. It's not healthy. I can make you pizza most probably when we don't have work. I don't know if our schedules would meet up. We both have hectic working hours." She said, reminded me of our heavy duties which will probably eat our time out. It's not everyday that I may be able to see her beautiful face and stare on those captivating emerald eyes.

"Yeah, way to good to remind us with our responsibilities," I turn my body facing her, tacking my left leg under my right one. "How many boyfriend or girlfriend you had before?" I bit my lower lip realizing this stupid words I blurt out. Damn mouth, it works on her own again!

"I don't know, does hook ups count?" she ask kinking her eyebrow, oh she's being sarcastic! I raised my eyebrows and stared back at her. "Okay lets take that out of the list, I had 2 relationships before. One girl from my first year in college, we lasted few months then eventually broke up because of misunderstanding. Then one guy in my senior year in college, we lasted a year then broke up because of busy schedule since after graduation I've worked in the company full time and traveling is necessary for me so that gave him time to look for other to give him his needs."

"Wait, so you're saying he cheated on you?" how could someone do that to this wonderful woman in front of me.

"You can say it like that, I guess I'm just not good enough. I can't blame him though, I'm always not around and if I'm in town I always spend my time working in the office."

"I would prefer to say you don't deserve to be cheated 'cause you're the most beautiful, amazing woman who think with others first especially your own people. But I can't really say it 'cause I haven't in a serious relationship but base from my past encounters I don't wanna lie. I've ruin a lot of relationships by hooking up with someone else' girlfriends. I am not a saint I admit but I believe that cheating is still a choice. If you truly love the person why choose to hook up with some stranger in a bar, right?" I look at her, I couldn't really figure out what she thinks about me now that I confess something about my real personality. I don't want her to think of me with someone who has a good personality 'cause I'm not. "I'm not a good person Lauren, I am a selfish proud fuckgirl who break innocent hearts." I shifted my gaze to look at my glass I played with my finger.

"I don't think you're a bad person Camila, for the past few weeks that I've known you, I saw a loving daughter, a supportive sister, a well founded friend and a very independent strong woman. That's kind of person you are." I don't know but her words touched something inside of me. I gaze up to her again and saw her genuine fucking perfect sweet smile. I return the smile she's giving and stared at her eyes, my heart is melting like a butter heated in a pan. How could she do this things to me? She makes my heart beats like a panting horse that had run from race. I can feel my blood raised up to my face. We stayed in silence for seconds, cause I really don't know how to respond to that.

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