Reality Check.

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It seems as if each day gets a little less cold.

Maybe it's global warming... maybe it's me.
I've learned that in some ways, anything I do is beneficial to everything around me.

I've also learned that everything I do is killing everything around me.
There is no way, to walk on earth, and not kill and destroy everything you touch.

If you touch a snowflake, it dies.
If you touch a water drop, it dies.
If you touch a poisonous flower, you die.

But I have also learned that sometimes you can't help killing everything you touch.
Snow falls from the sky, and you can't help it if it falls on your house, or if it lands on the tip of your nose and melts.
If you pull out an umbrella to stop the rain, you are killing the rain.
But you can't control that.
You know what else you cannot control?
The outcome of everything.

If you say good morning to someone on the bus, there's a chance they won't recall ever talking to you at all.
But there's also a chance that, that you saying 'good morning' to them, might have been the only human interaction they've had all day- or will have all day.

If you smile at someone, and they frown, or they look away, you can't really force them to smile at you, can you?
Maybe they're having a bad day? You think.
Maybe their dog just died? You wonder.

Maybe they're just a bad person? Is something that you rarely think, because even though you know there are horrible people in this world, you would never believe that one of them would be sitting next to you on the train.

Because we never think that something so horrible could happen to us, as we think we are the main characters of the world's story.
But we're not.

Other people who have been robbed, or mugged, or been in an accident of some sort, would be thinking the same thing: How could this possibly happen to me?

They're just like us, they have the same habits; the same routine. But somehow something so horrible happened to them, and not to us?

Maybe it's a way of life, or maybe it's a way of death.
Maybe it's the same thing.
Maybe it's something completely different?

Maybe they had just fed their dog, and read the newspaper, maybe even scrolled through Twitter.
And we do the same thing.

Now answer me this; Who chooses what the outcome of something is, and who chooses what will not come out of it?

It is very rare to smile at someone on the street and have them shoot you in the head; but who are we to decide why that's unusual?

After all, we are just tiny specks of dirt; cells. We are molecules, and viruses, and microbes, to those in the outer parts of space.
And keep in mind that without humanity, the world would have been just fine.

And there are still people telling each other that they matter; and maybe they're right.

Maybe you do matter, but maybe you're just being used as an example to those who don't matter, and who have no choice anymore.

People will be humane, and try to save as many people as they can, but in reality, what is keeping us alive?

Is there something we have to reach for? Is moving on, and getting a job even worth it?
Maybe you're the smartest person in the world, and you're being showered every day with gold and riches and love; but once your lightbulb runs out, none of it matters.

You are just a memory; and people forget.
So what then? What if the last person to ever remember you dies?
Is that it?
Is my legacy meaningless and should be buried in the dirt, treated as nothing?

Teachers, parents, counselors; They all say that you have a purpose, and that you have to reach for a goal, and that you have to accomplish things in life.

But, what if the purpose dies, and what if that goal has been reached, but nothing comes of it. What if those accomplishments lose meaning, and have already made you lose interest?
What if all the accomplishments run out and there's nothing left for anyone?

Then what?
What do I serve being here?
Why do I still cling onto this thread, that's about to snap? And still look everyone in the eye and say that I'm fine where I am, and that I'm aiming high, when in reality, there's not much to aim for anymore.

But maybe there is hope.
Maybe there is one accomplishment meant for you.
Maybe there is someone and something meant for you.

Maybe there is a better place, where you finally have a connection with the environment, and for once in your life,

You're happy to be alive?

For some people,
That's music.
For some people,
That's art.

So what I want you to do, is believe that you will find that.
I want you to be familiar with the music and the arts that make you happy.

I want you to list the songs that make you feel secure, and that even if you're at the point of death... you know that this piece of life will lift you up, and make you feel like you...


You need to find it, and grip it hard, and don't let anyone change your mind about it.
I want you to grow with it.

I want you to stay alive.
If that song is what makes you happy, pump it into your veins, play it on high volume,

And sing your heart out.

Thank you for listening.

Stay safe, have a good end of the year, and play that song, and make it your last song of the year.


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