Glitter and Candle rant

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I hate glitter.

I said it, I absolutely hate it with all my life.

I could open a pack of glitter and take about a million showers in my whole life. Then when I get to be about 60 or 70, I'll look at fingertips and see the same dot of glitter from 45 years ago on it and I'll kill myself right then and there.

If you show me even a pack of glitter, I will flip out and cut someone.

I will get as far away as I can from you, I will take a plane to the opposite side of the earth as you, and somehow I will still end up with a dot of glitter on my clothes or my eyelid.

I just.

I get shivers even reading or hearing the word.


Moving on.

Okay now, scented candles.



No, I don't hate scented candles, but I do hate a certain smell.

I absolutely hate apple cinnamon.

I hate air fresheners with that scent, I hate candles with that scent, I hate fragrances with that scent.

Apple cinnamon is just the worst to me.

I like vanilla icing.

Clean linen is alright.

Maybe vanilla birthday cake.

Maybe even a bit of lavender or mixed berry.

but if the scent if apple or apple cinnamon, I will actually freak out.

It's not the scent, but the story behind it that goes with the scent, and I just can't stand it.

I used to think of apple cinnamon as a joy.

I used to adore the scent, but something inside me doesn't like that sort of stranded-cabin smell.

When you have a cabin in the woods, and then you use the air freshener to make it more homey and make it smell somewhat like outside.

I imagine red carpets, or some sort of quilt with some kind of Santa looking dude.

And I don't like Santa, he disappoints me.

So if you put all those things together, it makes that scent.

I despise it so much because I can't stop thinking about stuffy nose and sickness.

And it's not that I don't like it, it's apart from the fact that when I sniff it, my nose hurts and it turns all stuffy and my head hurts like hell. I practically gag.

So yeah,

I don't like glitter nor apple cinnamon scented candles.

Another thing is, my mom loves the scent, so our house smells like it all the time and I'm so close to killing myself.


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