Chapter 11

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Okay so i am so sorry that i havent uppdated in like a month its just i normally update when im at my dads house so like one time i stayed the night at a friends so we could go to this  NJHS thing and then like every other time i stayed with my NiNa so ya keep reading

I woke up to this annoying beeping noise so me being really annoyed already decided to hit it thinking it was my alarm clock well i guess i was wrong because the next thing i knew i heard an Ow come from it. What the heck alarm clocks dont talk so i barely opened my eyes to see Louis with a read mark on his face where i hit him. So i just rolled over.

"Lilah wake up we have an idea that i hope you will like but you have to get up to know what it is!!!!" Louis yelled in my ear

"Are we getting a dog?"


"Then im not getting up so leave me alone!"

Next thing I know i am on the floor with a bucket of ice being held over my head. That gotme up right away i sat of so fast i think i got whiplash

"What the hell Louis im up! Im up! Dont even think about pouring that over me! Now im gonna  go shower and get dressed and if i come down there and Zayny Poo isnt even up yet then i am going back to bed deal? Deal! Now out so I can go get ready!!!!"

As Lou walks i slowly walk to my bathroom but no withour grabbing my phone first i plug it into my huge ihome with the speakers that is in my bathroom and then i walk over to my closet and decide on what i am going to where today. I finally choose these sprakly sillver leggins that i love and my black sparkly ugg boots then just a plain white shirt. So i ran to the bathroom and peeled off my clothes and hopped in after about 15 minutes i fgot out and grabbed my blow dryer and strightener and plugged those in then i got dressed. After i gotdone getting dressed i went and started blow drying my hair then straightened it grabbed my phone, infinty phone case, infinity necklace, and infinity ring and then i ran down stairs to see a mountain of food awaiting me but apperently Niall hadnt eaten yet eaither so he was walking down the same time i was. We both looked at each other and sprinted down there. Of course he won becase me being the smart person i am i tripped on the last step.

The boys's news what that i started dance today and that since there was five of them during the week day i would spend Monday- Harry Tuesday- Liam Wednesday- Louis Thursday- Niall and Friday- Zayn apperently it went ABC order since it was a Monday it was Harrys turn and since neither of us wanteed to do anything we just sat aroung until 2 which is when my Hip Hop dance class starts.

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