Busy Day Part 2

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Hey guys so i have been having so much school stuff going on that i cdant update often i have been having tests before my end of the markin period and then Christmas break so umm ya carry on your readin........ oh and by the way i might start a new fan fic about Niall and it will be like a series I dont know i will telll you on this story if your interested so ya.

When we finally made it to the concert location which took longer then needed because Lou cannot drive. When we stepped out we got blinded by lights. 

"who is she?

Niall finally took my arm to lead me in the right direction so that i knew where i was going because i couldnt see. 

"Niall is she you girlfriend/"

"Niall when did you statrt dating?"

"Boys how do you feel about Niall finaly having a girlfriend?"

Once we finally got inside i started laughing so hard i eneded up on th floor. 

"Ummm are you okay????" asked Liam

"y-y-yah s-s-sorry j-j-just t-hey t-t-t-t-thought i was dating N-N-N-N-NNial!"

"Hey whats wrong with dating me?????

"nothing is wrong with it its just i wouldnt date you okay maybe but still you adopted me!!!!!!"

"they dont know that yet so we have to tell them during the concert."

"OOOOHHHHHHH okaaaaaay well lets go you guys have a sound check and i have dance tomorrow  remembber!"

When we finally got in there paul was really mad actually it was kinda funny but oh well. they boys finally went out on stage to do sound scheck but they were having problems with the  mics and they couldnt find out what it was. 

"here let me help"

"Ummm hunny im pretty sure if we the people who went to school to do this job cant figure it out then you cant but sure have a go at it, it cant do anymore harm"

"Thank you now move!"

After i hit like five buttons unplugged and plughged somethings back in and typed in some new codes it was all better.

"There fixed it"

"Thank you boys for finally fixing the system it has been down for over an hour!!!" Yelled the boys's manager

"Actually i fixed it, it was really easy and thery should have known what was wrong with it but they arent smart enough i guess it was a really easy fix."

"And who are you?"

"I am the boys's adopted daughter Delilah and these idiots are my five fathers"

"Wow would you like to do all  of our sound checks and everything for us?"

"Yes i would love to if it is okay with the boys" "BOYS"

"YES" they all said in unison

"Do you care if i do all of the sound check and everything along those lines for you guys's band?"

"Not at alll"

Later in the middle of "What Makes You Beautiful" Liam and Niall come and drag me out on stage and sit me down in a chair then they all circle aorund me and continue the song.

"Thats what makes you beautiful!" Harry sang the last line

"Hey London this is our newest daughter and she will be living with us forever and ever!"  Yelled Niall

"So No she is not Niallers girlfriend actuallyt when we came in here she started laughing so hard after all of those questions!" "If you have any qyuestions for her tweet them and she will answer is she feels comfortable"

@1Dismylife Delilah what is your legal last name????

well @1Dismylife my real last name is Tomilnson but i ilke to be called Delilah May MalikPayneHoranTomilnsonStyles

@Nialhoran'sofficialfan who is your favortite in the band?

well @Nialhoran'sofficialfan my fab=vortie band member must be Niall he is my favorite probaly because were both irish and eat A LOT of food!

and that is how the concert went the rest of the time.

then we had to go to a signing at the local mall

Me? Adopted by 1D?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt