Chapter 5

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I watched as everyone waved once more and then left.

"Alright."I said focusing my attention on Dominique."Can I go home now?"

"You are home" He said as he looked at me."Why I called your dad a little bit ago and he said you could stay over for a few days."

I heard the door lock but didn't care because there was still one window to go through in case I needed to leave.

"Tomorrows date night." Dominique said as he stood up, walked over to the window, and locked it.  "Wear something nice."

With that he left the room and locked the door before walking away.

Suddenly someone else walked through the door.

"Hey! I'm Elle." She said very loudly.

I waved at her. Then I heard Dominique in the hall.

"Elle get out!" His voice kept getting louder as he came closer to the door.

When he came into view I saw he had an angry look on his face but no shirt on.

"Dominique!" Elle cried a little to cheerfully,"I was just being friendly and introducing my self!"

"GET OUT, NOW!!" Dominique yelled angry at her making her jump before hurrying out of the room.

"Why do you not have a SHIRT ON!" I cried as I looked away.

"Well," Dominique answered cooling off a bit"It is getting dark."

"Where am I supposed to sleep?" I asked still not looking at him.  He walked around to face me and I got lost in his eyes again.

"Right where your sitting." He said not daring to break our stare."If it makes you more comfortable, I'll sleep on the couch."

I only nodded as I heard the door lock again.

"I sent Katelyn and Jess to go get some clothes from your house so just sit tight." Dominique said as he walked over to the door.

"Who was that Elle girl?" I asked before he left.

"Oh," He said while running a hand through his messy hair.,"She's my ex"

"Your WHAT?!" I said suddenly animated"WHY IS SHE IN YOUR HOUSE?!"

"Hey hey relax I got Garroth to steal her key here before she left." He said while staring at me strait on.

"She's a bi.." I cut him off.

"No!" I said as I lifted my hands and covered my ears"Don't taint my mind!"

I took my hands off of my ears as I saw him laugh.

"What!"I asked a little bit annoyed.

"I know your brother." He answered as he laughed."There is no way your mind isn't already tainted."

"What do you mean you know my brother?" I asked intrigued.

"Well" Dominique answered "He was there when I talked to your dad about taking you off of his hands."


I have one question.

Has your mind been tainted.

Thanks for reading!!

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