"I could tell," I replied dryly.

He opened his mouth to say something else when Wade's head popped up from behind me. "Oi, stop your bickering. There are people who are actually trying to sleep."

"And there are planes trying to land, dumbass, but you don't see us waking you up," Asher shot back.

The both of them started to bicker and it made me look down at my book again with a small smile on my face. The pages were starting to turn yellow from the constant use and read while the cover was starting to tear away. My hand lightly rested on the book as I breathed out a soft sigh. I wanted to write so much but I couldn't find the words to, even in the company of many people, I felt all alone.

I missed Sam so dearly.

That was what I could say.

I hadn't heard from him at all for six months and it was enough for me to miss him. Touring around Asia and meeting different people felt amazing but when I couldn't do it with the one I loved, it was nothing.

My fingers itched to call him but I knew it wasn't time. And I remember so vividly telling him that we would find each other again, since we were so always bumping into each other wherever we went during Infinite Distress' tour as though we were fated to keep meeting.

I still remembered tasting the tears that fell from his cheeks as I kissed him for the first time, the quiver in his lips that moved against mine and the desperate scrunch in his fingers as he grabbed hold of the back of my hair. There was something irreplaceable about that moment. One I wished I could relive over and over again but now, it had been far too long that I almost had nothing but memories to think of.

There was nothing more I wanted than to feel his skin on mine, even if it meant to touch the tip of his fingers with mine. 

"Alright lads," Jake said all of a sudden from the front of the cabin.

We all jerked from our own minds and stared at him. His eyes traveled across the boys before stopping on me where his lips slowly curved up. "And lady, we're back again in Manchester and I know how you love our UK fans but understand that your safety comes first. I've got a set of bodyguards for you three but since Kayla insists on not having one and I can't force her to take one since she's not part of the band, I'd like all of you to be careful."

"We know," Patrick drawled. "We've been told countless of times, really, Jake, why not just put it into a set of instructions in a party pack as well?"

Asher, Wade and I stared between each other for a moment.

Did Patrick really just say something sarcastic, to Jake?

"No way," Wade whispered. "We finally have Patrick on the dark side!"

Asher rolled his eyes at his stupidity and turned back to Jake who had more to say. "Patrick, I'm aware that you are now dating a fan and that your loyalty lies with them but my loyalty lies with the band as a whole as well as your safety. I don't want you getting glomped on by another girl who is just about eager to eat you up."

Wade snorted. "That's what he said."

"Wade!" Jake barked. "Do you have something to say?"

"I feel like we're in middle school," Asher muttered.

I smiled at him and looked back to where Wade was now rolling his eyes at Jake who kept frowning at him. They were in a somewhat heated but not so serious discussion, from what I could see in the mischievous twinkle in the former's eyes. He had that same goofy smile on his face, one that screamed I'm enjoying this way too much while he still had the decency to look annoyed, at least.

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