Chapter Five

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Two days had passed since the boys had been kidnapped, two days since Harry was murdered in front of his lover and best buds, two days since they realized that there was no more One Direction, and two days since Liam made the courageous decision to go find the mysterious person... And never returned.

The boys were terrified. They didn't know whether Liam was dead or not. They pretty much gave up hope. They all were still traumatized from watching Harry die. And they were all terrified that they would never see the sun again.

Zayn trembled with fear. He wanted to help his buds so bad. He and the others were dying on the inside and on the outside. Zayn probably dying the most.

*~ Beginning of flashback ~*

"Zayn are you excited??" Harry asked estatic.

"Why wouldn't I be? We're about to see a bunch of our beautiful fans!" Zayn answered Harry with a smile on his face. The boys were getting ready for a show in Harry's hometown and they were all pretty excited.

"Hazza!!" Louis squealed, jumping on Harry's back making Zayn laugh.

"Yes Boobear?" Harry responded.

"I love you!" Louis said kissing Harry's cheek.

"I love you too Boobear!"

*~ End of flashback ~*

Zayn shuddered at the fact that it was his fault that Louis would never see Harry or hear his voice ever again.

Zayn was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of laughter ringing through the room. He looked at Louis who had pretty much cried hisself to sleep in his arms. He sighed and looked at Niall who sat in a far corner with a blank face. Niall was probably the most worried about Liam.

Zayn fully regreted making the boys go find that mansion. Now he had to live with those regrets for as long as he lived.

"You know, I kinda miss Harry. Such a tragedy that he had to die the way he did in front of you guys. Oops!" The voices that haunted the boys lives spoke.

"Why can't you just let us go" Louis screeched.

"Tsk tsk. And what makes you think I would do that" they said.

Louis sighed. 

"At least let us know who you guys are" Niall spoke up

"I'm Emily" one voice spoke. "and I'm Erin."

Niall's teeth chattered with fear. He then pretty much lost it. He screamed and grabbed everything in his reach, tossing it wherever his arms and hands threw it. Louis and Zayn dodged each object that came their way.

"I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE THIS SHIT" Niall screamed. He then slammed his fist into a wall, causing a hole to burst through.

"Tsk Tsk. Niall, why'd you break my wall. That's so very disrespectful. You're definitely going to pay for that Horan." Emily said. 

"I don't care." Niall said through gritted teeth. 

"I'm dead anyways."


SOOOO SOOOO SORRY THAT IT'S TAKEN ME SO LONG TO UPDATE. School has started back up for me. I've been really busy trying to take on finals coming up, cheer, and baby sitting. And my mum has been doing a lot of studying lately so I haven't really been able to get on the computer. 

Oh and sorry it's so short. I was trying to hurry and give you guys an update :(



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