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Haiiii!!! I was pretty much inspired by someone to make this. This story is in no way to harm any Directioners because I, myself, am also a Directioner. I just made this story for the fun of horror and because I want to be an author one day in life and it's always good to try new ideas. Right?

ANYWAYS! Here it is!


Niall sat there rocking back and forth. He couldn’t break the horrid images that slowly and torturously slipped through his mind. He couldn’t understand how someone could do such a terrible thing to innocent people and still have a smile on their faces. He felt a warm and wet substance slide down his face.

Nialler. Everything’s okay. I promise” Liam said trying to reassure Niall of his mental stability.

No.  Niall thought. Liam’s dead. He can’t be here right now. He’s 100% dead. The rest of the boys are dead. Louis’ dead, Harry’s dead, Zayn’s dead... I should be dead too if that’s the case.

“Niall, look at me. I promise everything is okay. You’re okay, I’m okay.”  Liam said.

And with that, Niall shrieked. “NO!” he yelled. He covered his ears trying to block out the voice of Liam. He felt that he couldn’t take the pain. He shrieked and shrieked some more, piercing his own ear drums from the pain.

The nurses and doctors ran in the room fearing what would happen this time with Niall. This isn’t the first time that this kind of thing has happened to him. They tied his arms and feet down to the bed and pulled out a needle that held the substance that would knock him out and help prevent this kind of thing from happening any time soon.

Something touched Niall’s face. It felt like a hand. He screeched loudly.

“Niall calm down. It’s just me. It’s only me.”

Niall opened his eyes to see Liam standing there with his arm reaching out, touching his face. Niall stepped back with fear in his eyes. “What’s wrong baby?” Liam asked him.

“No! You’re not real. You’re just a figment of my imagination. You’re dead. You and the rest of the boys are dead. This isn’t true. YOU aren’t true.” Niall yelled with widened eyes. “Niall I’m 100% real. I’m actually here. I’m not dead. None of us are dead. You’re just crazy.”  The words “You’re Just Crazy” echoed in Niall’s mind.


Sorry it's just a tad bit short. Just a mini preview of what MIGHT happen later in the story. But thanks for reading this

Chapter One Coming Soon!! 


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