Chapter Four

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Louis sat on the floor in a corner quietly crying. He couldn't inhale the fact that he had lost Harry. He thought that they were going to be forever. Now that was all ruined because he let Harry walk up those stairs.

"It's all my fault" he whimpered. Zayn walked over to him and sat next to him, throwing his arm around Louis and pulling him close.

"It's not your fault mate. He was hoping that if he was to do that and succeed that maybe he would be able to get out and then save us." Zayn said trying to comfort Louis but it only made him sob harder.


Niall Sat there watching Zayn and Louis. I have to be brave. For Liam and Zayn. For Louis. For Harry. he thought to himself

"Liam we have to do something." He said with determination in his voice.

"Like what? Harry's gone already. There's nothing we can do to bring him back." He said with sorrow in his face.

"Maybe, just maybe we could do something to save ourselves. Harry would want us to do this." Niall said with hope.


Zayn and Louis sat there against the wall hugging each other. Zayn knew that Louis was hurt. He was his best bud and he couldn't stand seeing him upset.

"Louis , I'm here for you. You know that."

"Yes. and I'm glad that you are. I probably would've died with Harry if you weren't here. " Louis said holding back more tears.

They hugged each other once more not letting go for a while.

"I love you bud" Louis whispered.

"I love you too" Zayn whispered back.

"I'VE GOT ANOTHER CHALLENGEEEEEEEEEEE" one of the voices screeched

The boys sighed with frustration.

"What is it this time?" Liam asked with irritation in his voice.

"Attitude much." the voice said. "Anyways, so here's your challenge. One of us is going to be somewhere in the mansion. One of YOU has to come and find us. IF and only if you find that person, we will let you all go! Who's going to play hide and seek with us?"

Liam inhaled and deeply exhaled. "I will" he spoke up.

"Liam no." Louis choked out behind tears. Louis didn't want to cry anymore. He couldn't handle crying anymore.

"Louis I have to. Hopefully I can save all of you and myself." He responded.

Louis lunged at Liam from the other side of the room and grabbed onto him.

"No Liam you can't do this!! We already lost Harry we don't need to lose you too. "

Liam shook Louis off of him and frowned.

"Louis, I have to. For the sake of you guys. I have to try and save us." He said walking away from Louis.

He walked up the basement stairs and opened the door. He walked out the door slowly and cautiously shutting it behind him.

Liam could hear Louis screaming and crying from the other side of the door. He felt a sharp pain in his heart. He knew he made a bit of a dumb decision to leave his mates in the depressing situation they were in but he knew that he had to do something to save them.

He walked down the long, dark hallways searching for the person. He then heard a loud laugh and glanced all around him.

He trembled with fear. He started going deeper into the hallways, turning left or right, and walking up and down stairs. The laughing for louder and he was 100% sure that he had found whatever was talking and could get the boys and himself to freedom.

He came upon another door that he hadn't seen before. he decided to open it and see what was inside. He walked inside and began to explore.

That's when everything went black and he felt nothing, leaving the rest in misery.


So this chapter was written on a kindle because I'm not at home but tomorrow I will be back to updating from a laptop.

Also, this chapter is dedicated to my good friend Jake because he gave me the amazing idea of the new changes and one of the members going missing.

Hope you enjoy.


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