Hidden Bravery

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I don't own Fairy Tail or any of the characters. I only own my OCs. Nothing more, nothing less. Also, there is nothing special about Decidueye being up there. ⬆️

(Before the Sabers arrived in Magnolia)


Mai plowed through the streets of Magnolia, slicing, stabbing, and just destroying every single mortal being in her way. Her hair and arms were just coated in fresh crimson blood, also staining her upper body.

"YOU PATHETIC BEINGS SHOULDN'T EVEN BE ALIVE IN THIS WORLD!" She roared as she impaled her hand straight into a woman's heart, her face showing shock and absolute fear. "THIS WORLD WAS MADE FOR DEMONS AND SUPERIOR BEINGS!"

A male child who was about ten years old, stood up, showing no fear or uncertainty in his eyes. "The mages of Fairy Tail will stop you! We all deserve to li-"

Before he could finish, blood suddenly began to spray out of the boy's mouth and neck. Mai was behind him with a frown planted on her face. He fell over on his back, dead.

"None of you humans are deserving of this world." She muttered as blood began raining down upon her. "You're the reason the dragons are nearly extinct."

Suddenly, a scream caught her attention. Mai glanced up at the Cube and went wide eyed when something, or someone, sliced through a part of the Cube with ease. The hell...?!

Mai grit her teeth in anger as her pupils went small. God dammit, Mard Geer. How come you get to fight that son of a bitch.?

She crouched down on the ground and bolted off of it towards the Cube. In its wake, was a pillar of hellfire higher than the Cube itself. I'm so going to kill something today. Oh. Shit. I forgot the food.
Anna gasped when she and Rose turned the corner. "W-Who... Who did this?!"

Fresh blood stained the many buildings that were still up and secure while some had crumbled down on the ground. Dead corpses of young and elderly people were scattered all about. Some on top of roofs, alive but bleeding to death. Others met their fate quickly and were still bleeding on the ground.


Anna turned towards a frail man covered in fresh blood from head to toe. He was stretching his right arm out of the hole through a pile of blood stained rubble. She immediately lunged towards the rubble and began removing the debris. "Please! Sir, stay with me!" Anna pleaded before calling out to her companion. "Rose! I need help!"

Rose didn't pay attention. She was staring up at the Cube in shock. In front of it, was the Celestial Spirit King. Finally, she switched to her exceed form and yelled, "Get underneath something! NOW!"

With no time to argue Rose knocked Anna into a ditch in the ground that was covered in thick debris. Suddenly, a loud explosion occurred in the sky, sending dust clouds everywhere around the city.
Mai leaped onto debris, dodging falling rocks and bricks. Son of a bitch, Spirit King...

She leaped from a large jagged piece of debris and up top an unstable boulder before leaping onto another one. "God dammit..." she muttered before looking up to see Fairy Tail members preparing to fight against her fellow demons.

"I'm fired up now." Natsu chuckled as he slammed his fists against each other which caused them to catch fire.

Mai smirked before she bolted skyward from her place, leaving a small crater in its wake. Tempester noticed the sound and turned towards the boulder where Mai used to be. "Hm..."

Suddenly, a sonic boom exploded through the air and Mai appeared right in front of the Fairy Tail members, shocking them.

"YOU DIE HERE!" She roared with a sadistic smirk as she lunged towards Natsu with her sword on fire, flipped backwards.

Natsu tripped backwards, unprepared for the sudden aggression. Gray attempted to launch forward, but Silver appeared next to him and teleported them to a different area before he could. Mai's newly repaired blade was inches from his face, only for it to connect with another blade.

Mai's smirk reduced into a shocked one before she glanced up to see Machiko there with her katana drawn. "Happy to see me?" She asked Mai who instinctively leaped back.

"This only makes my job more exciting, human." Mai replied with a giggle.

"Oi. I'm here too." An cold annoyed female voice growled causing them to turn around in time to see a familiar slayer. "RED ICE DRAGON'S SCALED DAGGERS!"

Mai leaped into the air while the other demons and wizards dodged the attack. "Watch your aim, Ice-Breath!" Natsu called out to her in annoyance.

"Shut it, Flame-Brain!" She scowled back before they noticed Mai's shirt flutter to the ground.

"It seems our little Griffin is the being to start serious now." Keys realized when they looked up.

Mai was looking down upon them, with her large brown majestic feathered wings that stretched out to her sides. Mai was only wearing a brown colored cloth around her bust which allowed everyone to see her black Tartaros guild mark on the right side of her abdomen. A sadistic smile was visibly implanted on her face. "Come and get me, Fairies."

Machiko growled and summoned her own wings with Area magic before bolting up towards Mai who flew off in one direction away from the others. Ayama let out a huff and dashed on after them, leaving the others behind. I'll be shitting if I miss the fight.
"Rose? Are you sure we'll find Ayama and Machiko up here?" Anna asked Rose who was flying her towards the higher area of the partly Cube.

"Don't ever doubt me, Anna." Rose insisted before a sudden aftershock pushed them back a bit. "What in Fiore- hold on..."

Far from them were two flying figures. One with white wings, and another with rusty brown ones. Rose's eyes widened and scanned the area below to see Ayama leaping from rock to boulder, trying to get up there to assist Machiko.

"Anna, we need to get away from here." Rose told her as she began to turn around.

"But we need to help Ayama and Machiko!" Anna argued as she tried to turn around to glance at the fight.

"Child, you can't do-"

Before she could finish, Anna removed Rose's grip from her blouse and dropped to the ground.

Rose looked down at Anna in shock. Anna quickly took that time to start hurdling over rocks and moving debris in her way.

"This child..." Rose sighed before she flew down towards Ayama. She'll get herself killed one day.

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