Chapter 11:

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*Gaara's P.O.V* 

"Then fight me", I said. She looked at me shocked and her jaw dropped, but then giggled. 

"That was a good one. You got me for a second there", she chuckled but noticed I wasn't changing my expression. "You're serious?" She asked and I nodded. I noticed we were still holding hands, since she tighten our grip. 

"Gaara, didn't you hear me when I said I don't fight people I know? Especially people I care about", she said while looking at me straight in the eyes. What? 

"But.... You fought Sasuke, Naruto and the guy with the dog..." I said confused and she chuckled again. No matter what mood I am in, I love to hear her laugh. It calms me down more and when I see her smile, I feel like all of my pain is slowly fainting. She makes me happy and makes me actually want to smile. 

"Well, Sasuke isn't really my friend and he pushed me to fight him. I was also pushed to fight Naruto, even though I didn't want to and with Kiba it wasn't much of a fight. He was just attacking me and I was doding". She chuckled again and then came closer and placed her head on my chest. "I don't want to fight you Gaara". I want to fight her. I don't want to hurt her, but I don't want her to become dark. It doesn't suit her. She's always so cheerful and happy. I felt something uncomfortable when I saw her like that. 


"No but's. Do you really want to fight me?" I nodded and she had a sad expression. "Why?" 

"I don't want you to become dark. I want you to be your happy, your usual self. I got a weird feeling when I saw you like that". After I said that, her sad expression transformed into a soft smile. 

"Thank you Gaara. It means you care, but I still don't want to fight you". 

"Why not?" 

"What makes you think you can keep up? You saw my battle with the others, and I wasn't even serious". She was starting to tear up, but none tears had fell down yet. It feelings like someone is mentally punching me on my stomach over and over again when I see her crying. 

"I have never lost a fight my whole life". She looked shocked and took a step back. She's not afraid of me now, right? 

"Aaaaaahhhhh, awesome!!! That is soooooo cool Gaara!" She yelled happily and jumped on top of me. Since I wasn't prepared, we both fell down on the grass. "You're so amazing Gaara!!" She kept shouting and I frowned at her. 

"But.... You're the same. Why aren't you excited about yourself?" 

"I get excited that I'm not the only one! Besides, I find you cool no matter what". I felt tha warm heat hit my again in the face. Nobody has never really told me what that means. Tango looked weird at me and then smirked. 

"Is something wrong?" I asked concerned. She shook her head but kept on smirking. 

"No". She reached her hand out and touched my cheek. My face felt even warmer and she giggled. "Why are you blushing?" She asked and my eyes widen. 


"Your face is red. I bet if feels warm as well?" I nodded and she smiled soft. I felt myself calming down, even though I wasn't stressed, angry or anything like that. 

"What does that mean?" She reached out both of her hands and pushed me to lie down on the grass. Since she jumped on my just a minute ago we were sitting, but she made me lay fully down. She placed her head on top of my chest and I lied totally still. It was pretty comfortable though. Her hands were in my hands and I don't even know for how long we laid like that. It just felt right. She then suddenly started to explain on what blushing means to me. I appreciate her explaining things to me I don't understand. She must probably think that I'm some stupid kid who doesn't understand emotions, but she doesn't know my past. And yet, I odn't know hers either. "When are you going to tell me about your past? You've always told me someday, but when is that day?" I asked after we didn't have anything else to talk about. She looked up at me but lied back down on my chest. 

"Someday". I frowned and got up. She looked shocked at me and was just sitting there, staring at me. 

"Don't say that! You told me you were going to tell me what happened. Do yuo think I'll tell it to other poeple? Don't you trust me?" I walked around in a small circle and finally she stood up. She grabbed me and hugged me whole body. Our bodies were so close there was barely any space between us. 

"Of course I trust you", she said soft, but I still don't understand! 

"Then why won't you tell me?!" 

"I'll tell you when I'm ready!" She suddenly yelled. We both looked shocked at each other, then she looked down with an sad expression. "Besides, you haven't told me your story either. All I know is that people fear you, but nothing more". I sighed, then removed her hair from her face. 

"If I tell you mine, you'll tell yours?" I asked and she grinned. 

"Probably". So, that's a yes? I leaned closer to her head and planted a kiss on the top of her head. She smiled soft towards me and my mouth automatically smiled back. She first looked shocked, but then kissed me soft and long. "I love your smile", she whispered raspy between the kisses. I smiled in our kiss and thought of when we first kissed. It was so shocking at first, but I got quickly used to it and I really liked it. I wished I could kiss her all day and it was only us here on the planet. 

We were together for the rest of the day and just talked and doing nothing. We most of the time just laid down on the grass, cuddling and talking and kissing. When the night came, we had to separate our ways, but we'll see each other tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day we can prepare our selves for the next level in the Chunin Exam. since I don't really need to practice or prepare myself, it was like a vacation to me. 

On my way in the dark to the place I was staying in, I saw a shadow. It was moving fast and I knew somebody else were here as well. I pretended like nothing and waited for an appoturnity. I felt the presence of them right behind me and I send my sand towards them. I was able to catch them but it wasn't whom I expected. 

"Naruto?" He was looking at me with wide eyes but then started yelling. 

"Gaara! Let me out of here! What's the big idea?!" He yelled but I just continued watching him wide-eyed in shock. He was the shadow I saw? Is it even possible for him to be so quiet? He's always so loud. "Gaara!!" He snapped me out of my thoughts and I released my sand. It went back to my crib and I continued walking. "Hey Gaara! You attacked me for no reason and now you're just walking away without apologizing?!" He should be more quiet at night. He's going to wake everyone up with that loud mouth of hus. 

"You were sneaking up on me", I said with a lare and he frowned. "Besides, I didn't know it was you". The only reason I don't want to kill him is because he's not worth it and he's close to Tango. I don't want to make her sad and mad. 

"Well, I was looking for you, but I didn't sneak up on you?" I crossed my arms and waited for what he wanted. 

"What do you want?" I asked, since he didn't take the hint that I was waiting. 

"Oh, right. Tango was with you today, right?" I nodded and he didn't seem quite happy now. "What did you do?!" I frowned at him with confusion. 

"What do you mean?" 

"She's crying. She's trying to deny you had nothing to do with it, but since she loves you of course she'll defend you". I looked at him shocked and then ran as fast as I could to their house. She's crying again? Why? Please, stop crying Tango. 

** Sorry this chapter was late! Next will most likely come out on saturday (I'll try and fix the stupid microsoft word problem). I know this was a bit boring, but it'll get better soon. I just didn't know what to write here and was stuck, but I hope it was worth reading though .xx ** 

I'm Nothing If I Don't Have You - (Gaara fanfic / Naruto) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now