"Get down!" I shout at Damon.

"Missed me!" Damon ignores me as he taunts Klaus.

Damon then pulls the picket out of the wall and throws it back at Klaus, and I see the picket just grazes over his shoulder. After, Klaus throws another picket at Damon again, but instead he hits a picture and it breaks.

"Missed me again!" Damon shouts as Stefan's phone rings and he answers it.

"Alaric?" Stefan asks into the phone, and I look at him confused.

"If you want Elena and Caroline alive, get Klaus to come to the school" I hear Ric's voice before the line goes dead, and Stefan goes up to the front door with me following and we see Klaus with propane and a lit newspaper.

"Put it out" Stefan tells Klaus.

"Come outside and make me" Klaus taunts him, and Stefan stupidly steps outside.

"Elena's not here. Alaric has her and Caroline and he's gonna kill them both unless you turn yourself over to him" Stefan tells him, and Klaus frustratingly throws down the newspaper and drops the propane tank.

"Now, I know you're not asking me to walk into a certain death" Klaus says to him.

"I really wish we could. But unfortunately, if Alaric kills you there's a one in four chance that we die too" Stefan tells him, and I take a step outside.

"I'll take those odds" I tell them, and they both look at me like I'm crazy.

"And a hundred percent chance that you and Tyler die" Stefan tells me, but I look at him with no emotion.

"I'm not good with that" Damon says to me as he comes outside with a picket over his shoulder.

"I don't care, Damon. Caroline and my sister aren't dying, not today" I tell him, and he nods his head slowly as he takes his hand in mine.

"Why don't we just figure out a way to put Alaric down?" Stefan asks.

"Okay, how about Damon sneaks in and distracts Alaric, while Stefan grabs Elena and carries her to safety?" Klaus suggests, and cross my arms.

"Huh, that's a great idea. What's to stop Damon from getting killed instantly?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing" Klaus smirks.

"Caroline's in there. Don't you have a thing for her? Or did she just reject you too many times?" Damon asks Klaus.

"This isn't really helping too much" Stefan tells Damon as Bonnie joins us.

"I might have an idea. My mom used a desiccation spell on Mikael that immobilized him for over 15 years. If I can get it, I might be able to use it on Alaric" Bonnie finally comes up with a good idea, and maybe whilst he's immobilized, we can figure out a way for him not to be the ultimate vampire hunter,

"If and might? Your words inspire such confidence" Klaus comments.

"I'll get it. But even with the spell, we'll need a lot of vampire muscle to take him down. Including yours" Bonnie tells him, and he turns around.

"Just so we're clear, the sun sets in about eight hours. If we don't succeed before then, Elena will be dead, I'll be gone with Bella, and the rest of you will be left to fend for yourselves" Klaus says to us, and Damon's grip tightens on my hand.

(Skip to the Salvatore Boarding house)

After Bonnie called Jamie for her mom to come help us, and me, Bonnie and Damon went to the Salvatore boarding house to wait for her to arrive. And Bonnie is pacing whilst me and Damon are sitting on the couch cuddling.

The Gilbert Twin (TVD) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now