Chapter 28 - The Dinner Pt 1.

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The day had finally finished and it was time for the Task Force to head home. I had opened the door for all of them, Light stopped in front of me. "Light." His father called.

"Just a minuet dad." He leant close to me and whispered in my ear. "Keep up the good work (Y/N). At this rate, L might even reveal his name. Once we get it we can finally rule the world together." He chucked, making sure to keep his voice down. He pulled away and I closed the door behind him, turning around I pressed my back into the door and sighed. I then slid down with my knees tucked to my chest.

"Is something wrong (Y/N)?" L asked.

"No, it's nothing." He got up out of the chair and walked over to me, then slid down too.

"You shouldn't have to hide things from me you know."

"Oh yes, trust me. I'm fully aware of this but remember, just because you are the greatest detective in the world doesn't mean you have to know everything." I rested my chin on my knees.

"But I hate not knowing things, don't you?"

"Y-yeah, b-but." I stuttered.

"Then you should know how I feel."

"Oh shut up." I pushed him over and he hit the floor. He pushed himself up and rubbed his head.

"Please refrain yourself from injuring me, it could jeopardise this case."

"Seriously, it really won't. Anyway, you had it coming."

"Oh yeah?" A smirk came onto his face and he pushed me over, landing on top of me. His hands were pressed against the floor either side of my head. He then quickly leant down and pressed his soft lips against mine. It tasted so sweet, probably from all the sugar he eats. I then winced in pain as the corner of the door slammed into my ribs. We broke away at the same time and I looked to see who was trying to enter, it was Watari.

"Oh my, I'm very sorry Ryuzaki. Am I interrupting something."

"No, we were just about to finish up. Is there something you need to tell me?"

"Nothing in particular. I just wanted to remind you that I scheduled the dinner tonight with (Y/N)'s parents." I jerked in surprise.

"Tonight!" I exclaimed.

"Was there something else you had planned tonight?"


"Now if you wouldn't mind, could you please move away from the door so I can enter." I had completely forgotten that I was in the way and that L was still on top of me. He climbed up and pulled me up by the arm at the same time. L walked off back to his computer and I went to get changed. As I was about to enter I saw Watari smiling at me, he then walked over to me.

"What is it Watari?"

"I just want to say that you have changed L, but in a very good way."

"So I should be taking that as a compliment?"

"Definitely." I smiled back at him and closed the door. I didn't want to wear anything too fancy as the dress code was made to accompany L's choice in clothes. So I got changed into a pair of black jeans and a dark green lacy shirt. I hadn't seen my parents in what I thought was months. I had been working so much that I had lost track of time. Once I had finished I walked out and took a seat and watched Watari prepare the table.

"Umm, Watari."

"Yes Miss (L/N)."

"Can you join us for dinner tonight? It's just that you are always working and I think you deserve a break."

"Very well Miss (L/N)."

"Oh, and please call me (Y/N). I feel like we can pass the formalities."

"Certainly, (Y/N)." I then called out to L.

"L, Watari is joining us for dinner tonight. Under my orders."

"If that's what you wish." He sighed. There was a knock on the door, was it time already. I stood by the door. I was so nervous, what happens if they don't like L? I twisted the door knob and opened it up to see my parents.

"(Y/N)!" They chimed. "How are you honey." My mum said as they walked in.

"Ah, yes good. Now there is something important I need to tell you. Umm, L. Well, how do I put this. I guess you could say, is a bit eccentric." I wasn't sure if that was the best word to use. "I just thought I would warn you."

"That's ok."

"Oh and one more thing. Please don't be mad, but, he's my boyfriend." Their mouths gaped open but then turned into smiles. My dad enclosed me in another hug.

"I'm so proud of you (Y/N). You must be very happy."

"Well yeah, I am actually. This case has given me a huge opportunity, anyway, let eat." I lead them into the main area where L was standing, waiting for them. He walked forward and shook their hands.

"I am L, but please, call me Ryuzaki." They looked at him shocked, staring him up and down.

I Don't Like Bullies || L Lawliet x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang