Chapter 55 - A Walk in the Park

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After dinner we decided to venture out into the night for a walk. "It's a bit late don't you think." He shrugged.

"I like going to park, they clear my head." We walked silently down a narrow pathway. I looked up into the sky. They stars were twinkling bright in the sky.

"You can just see the Milky Way if you look hard enough." I pointed up to the sky. He looked up at it.

"It's beautiful." He then looked at me. "You are like the Milky Way (Y/N)."

"Compliment?" He nodded and I blushed.

"Here we are." He pushed open a rusty gate, it screeched. I shut it behind him and followed behind him. I saw him sit on one of the swings, crouching of course. "I used to come here with Watari when I was younger." I sat down on the swing next to him. The playground was old and unused. "My parents died in the mad Winchester bombings. (Did some research and apparently that's how they died. Not sure if it's true tho.) I was only eight. That's when I met Watari." His head lowered. "Watari took me in and brought me to the Wammy's House. I didn't like the other children and when I first came there I thought they were attacking me so I defended myself." (Who has read L: The Wammy's House.) "Watari brought me a computer and ever since then I have been known as the detective L, ever since I was eight."

"That long." I whispered.

"Yes. I have been a detective for seventeen years."

"I was two."

"Yes, we are six years apart." I nodded slowly. "Does that bother you."

"What!" I looked at him startled. "Why would you even ask that?!"

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise. You did nothing wrong."

"But does it?"

"Well if you're that concerned about the answer, it doesn't bother me at all and it never will." He smiled sadly at me. "I think we should go somewhere else. I know that you have memories here but they are bad and I don't like seeing you this way." I stood up and pulled him by the hand. "Let's get some ice cream."

"I think that's a good idea." We walked hand in hand to the local ice cream pallor. There was an old woman at the counter with glasses. She narrowed her eyes.

"Is that you L?" She asked wearily.

"Hello Mrs Maugary."

"Your secret's safe with me. Not a soul knows." She tapped her nose with her index finger. "Now what can I get you and your lovely fiancé."

"H-How did you know?" I asked her. She chuckled.

"I have seen a lot in my lifetime. I can tell by that beautiful ring and the desire in his eyes. I know him very well." She smiled. He shoved his hands in his pockets embarrassed. "Ohaha, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's normal to be in love L. What would you like."

"Three scoops, strawberry, chocolate and green tea." He answered.

"What would you like dear?"

"Hmmm." I pointed to (Fav flavour ice cream).

"Wise choice." She scooped it out and handed them over to us. "So how's my Watari?"

"In Japan."

"Well tell him that he needs to visit me again." We paid her and left waving at her.

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