29: Turning Pages

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I locked my lips, "We are good. I miss him and I can tell that Audry misses her daddy just as much as I do. I think that we are too dependant on Fin, but I would not change a thing about it. How is Maxwell? Have you spoken to Maxim?", I said trying to slowly weave in the real reason for this impromptu luncheon without upsetting her too much. She sighed, "He is growing more everyday. Before I know it he won't be my little boy anymore. As far as his father goes, no, I have not spoken to him since Thanksgiving dinner last week. Well, if you call being yelled at and shaken within an inch of my life is speaking that is", she responded wistfully. I nodded clapsing my hands together in front of me on top of the table. "He wants full custody of Maxwell, Delilah, and I as his lawyer was requested to handle this matter and make it so. However, I as his friend, your friend, and a mother do not agree with his decision. Emotions are running high right now and I know that his are clouding his judgement. I will tell you like I told him, you were wrong for not allowing him to be a part of Maxwell's life, but that does not mean that he should snatch your son away from the only parent that he has ever known and cut you out of the picture. At least you did not try to replace him in your son's life with another man amd lead him to believe that he was his father.  He knows now and the both of you need to sit down and come to an agreement about Maxwell. This shit cannot go on any longer nor will I allow you both to ruin the chances of your son having a healthy relationship with his parents", I stated.

"So you set us up with this delusion that everything will work out if we talk? It is not that simple, Anastasia. That is out to hurt me. He does not want to listen to reason. Hell, at this point I do not even think that he is capable of it. I know him. I know Maxim and when he holds a grudge it is full out Armageddon for him. He hates me and I cannot do anything to change it because it is justified hate. I just want to enjoy as much time with my son as I can before he is taken away from me", she snapped. "I-", I began when the second guest made their presence known. "So who is this? Your new BFF?", she questioned vehemently.

I rolled my eyes

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I rolled my eyes. "No, but she can be. At least she has the decency to step to me like a woman with her problems with me. At least she does not go around playing with people's emotions making them fall for them for her to rip their heart out of their chest. But then again bitch, you are not my best friend nor a friend of mine at all. So sit your ass down and we had this out like two grown ass women or you can leave just as fast as he wind blew your ass on in here?", I responded nonchalantly, ruffling my hair. I was not in the mood to dealith any bullshit at the moment. I was already about to deal with a shit storm as Fin would say when Max saw Delilah so I was warming up for the main event.

She tisked but took a seat across from me nontheless while giving Dee the side eye. I blew out a breath letting my hands fall away from my hair onto the table in front of me as I stared across the table at my former best friend. "Look Sugar, I called you here to make amends with you. I want my best friend back and I am extending an olive branch to you. It is up to you whether you take it or not, but just know that I miss you. I miss the real you. The you that would fight for her relationship and make things right, even if means ending things officially. I love you. I do, but I will let you go if I  have to", I confessed. She hummed, staring at me for a moment. "And who exactly is this, Queen?", she asked gesturing to Delilah with a tilt of her head.

Made In The A.M. (BWWM/ INTERRACIAL) (Book1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now