Chapter 14

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After dinner Lucy made her way to Seveus' office, making sure to not be seen.


A rap on the door alerted him to someone's arrival. "Come in." He invited. The door swung open to reveal his daughter.

"What was it that you wanted to speak with me about, Dad?" Lucy wondered once she had closed the door so no passerby could her their conversation. Lucy, sensing that the potions professor had much to say, sat on a surprisingly comfy chair and waited.

"The Chamber of Secrets. The legend is not something to be trifled with. It is not to be underestimated. Salazar Slytherin was one of the four founder of the school, but unlike the others, he disproved of muggleborns learning magic. He constructed a chamber that is so concealed that it remains to this day hidden, and almost completely forgotten.

"Legend tells that within the chamber sleeps a monster, that when awakened, will murder all whom, in Salazar Slytherin's view are unworthy to learn magic. If it awakens, it may very well attack you."

"But I'm not a muggleborn. I'm a half blood." Lucy pointed out.

"You're blood may protect you, for more than one reason, but the creature that resides in the chamber might be unaware of all of that." Severus cautioned.

"Do you think that it would attack me even if it knew that I was born from a wizard parent?" Lucy inquired.

"Perhaps, if you got in its way." Severus replied.

After a moment of silence, Severus slid open a drawer and placed something from it on top of the desk.

It was a dagger.

"You can leave it as a dagger, or you can transform it to a sword by pressing the button on the hilt. You can change it back into a dagger by pressing the button again. It may be of use to you." Severus explained.

"Thank you." Lucy expressed before quickly, but carefully, returning to her dormitory.


The door swung closed as Lucy left for her dormitory. Oh how he worried. Would her blood protect her? What if the chamber truly was opened? What if Lucy was attacked despite her blood ties.

The clock struck 10 pm and it chimed. It was annoyingly loud and long. He would have to get a new one.

Severus' thoughts then returned to his daughter but on a different trail of questions.

How and when had she learned sword play? Would her skills be enough to protect her if attacked? Did her knowledge of sword play have to do with whatever it was that made her so wise beyond her years? What was it that made her that way? Would he ever know? He truly hoped so.

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