Chapter 2

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I forgot my Disclaimer!! :(
I don't own anything and neither do you. All rights reserved for whoever it actually belongs to.

I don't know when Lucy's birthday is, and I couldn't find it online so I made one up.

Down on the ground I slide, or up in the trees I hide. Some like me but many are disgusted by me. Some even fear me, what am I?

July 15
Lucy woke to the sound of birds chirping and the smell of her favorite breakfast. She knew that it was going to be a good day

10:30 am Helen presented Lucy with a delicious looking cake topped with 12 lit candles of various shapes, colors, and sizes.

Peter, Susan and Edmund all knew that it was actually her 27th birthday, but their mother most certainly did not, so 12 candle flames danced on top of the cake instead of 27. Lucy blew each and every candle out in one swoop. The Magnificent, the Gentle, and the Just all knew of what she had wished for, after all, it was their own hearts' desire as well.

"Time for presents!" Helen beamed and handed the birthday girl a wrapped box. The Valiant Queen unwrapped her gift to reveal a cute, purple dress.

Peter held out a small, carefully wrapped box. It was a gift from Peter, Susan, and Edmund combined. The box contained a silver charm bracelet with charms of, a lion, a crown, a throne, a dagger, a vial, a sword, a shield, a bow, a horn, and a castle. Lucy slipped on the bracelet and thanked each of her family members in turn and gave each one a tight hug.

"Now then," Helen took charge, "let's all clean up, and Lucy, could we speak to you for a moment?"

Lucy nodded and followed her mother onto the back porch.
"Lucy dear, I spoke with your father. Your real father. He wanted to spend some time with you on your birthday and I saw no reason to deny him so I told him yes. Is that okay with you?" Helen nervously explained.

"That's alright. When will he be coming?" Lucy wondered and Helen checked her watch.

"Noon, so any minute really."
At precisely noon doorbell rang and Edmund swung open the door...........

Answer to the riddle, a snake.

Snakes, Secrets, and RevelationsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora