Chapter 11

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On Monday, as Lucy cut across the courtyard she was disrupted from her thoughts by a rude voice...

"Well well, We only just got rid of one mud blood when another shows up."

Lucy, who was having a rather pleasant day decided not to let him bother her and continued on.

"What's this? The mud blood thinks that she's better than us. Perhaps she thinks she's a princess." Malfoy taunted as he stood in front of her.

"I haven't deluded myself into anything," 'besides, I'm a queen, not a princess.' Lucy added in her mind. "I just find it pointless to bicker with you."

"Really? A filthy -"

"Leave her alone Malfoy." A new voice cut in. The person of whom the voice belonged to approached. It was a Slytherin Prefect.

"Why?" Draco began, "I'm just showing the stupid Gryffindore mudblood her place-"

"That's 10 points from Slytherin." The newcomer declared.

"But-" Malfoy started to protest.

"That's a detention for you ." The Prefect added.

"What kind of Slytherin are you?" Draco questioned.

"A smart one, now are you going to continue to waste my time, for which I would have to deduct 20 more points as well as add another detention, or are you going to leave?" the Slytherin Prefect threatened.

After a "Hmph," Malfoy stalked off.

"Thanks." Lucy beamed.

The Slytherin nodded. "I'm Aric."


"I saw your fencing bout," Aric turned and began to walk away, he paused just a moment when he turned his head back and spoke once more. "Nice work in that fight, and my little brother should be apologizing soon."

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