Chapter 6

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Lucy entered the classroom to find it vacant of anyone besides the Professor with whom she intended to converse with.

Seeing Lucy, who appeared quite cross, Severus set down his quill and raised his eyebrow as an unspoken inquiry. Lucy cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Professor Gilderoy Lockhart. He's so, so inadequate at Defense Against the Dark Arts, and he acts so proud. Ha has a terrible case of narcissism. He's so egotistic. I don't see how anyone could learn anything from him." Lucy huffed.

Severus patiently listened knowing that for the kind girl to show even the slightest bit of annoyance meant that she must be extremely vexed.

On Lucy's part, one of the things that irritated and infuriated her the most was arrogant and vain people who didn't care the slightest bit for others.

Lucy had lost her cool in Narnia on more than one occasion in front of a Colorman noble because of their arrogant and vain attitude and their complete disregard for others who were 'lesser than them.'

Once Lucy had finished her rant she divulged her design to Severus.

"I've brought to you my grievance with the intent to mend my ignorance of Defense Against the Dark Arts. My proposal is that you teach me DADA."

Severus just sat there for a moment contemplating her propositioning.

"Saturday at 8 in the morning. There's a dueling building east of the Quidditch Pitch, near the river. It was constructed for the fencing team but will serve for our purpose as well."

Lucy nodded. "Thank you."

Author's Note : Please read.

I am aware that Lucy doesn't get angry a lot if at all, but if she did get annoyed at all, I think that prideful people and the likes would be what annoy her.

Also, how was my irritated Lucy? Did I do a decent job?

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