I pulled a very tired Steph  towards the empty bedroom and lay her down on her bed. I pulled off her shoes and pulled back her covers and gently placed them on top of her. This seems familiar because I’ve done this before only this time I really want to stay, I want to be beside her and hug her and fall asleep next to her. But I’m not because she hasn’t said so, she wanted to take things slow and I respect that

I leant down to kiss the top of her forehead then turned to leave. As I reached her door I heard her call out

“Niall” she said sleepily “Niall”

I slowly made my way back over to her and knelt down beside her bed

“What’s up, I’m here” I said quietly

“Can you please stay” she asked

“Are you sure, we are taking things slow remember, your words” I said

“I know what I said, Niall, please stay I don’t want to be alone” she said and pulled back the covers next to her

I toed off my trainers and hopped in next to her. She snuggled up close to me and I wrapped and arm around her tracing patterns up and down her arm. This is nice, I could get used to this. Steph kissed my cheek and then buried her face into my chest and fell strait asleep

My worries are all gone for now, I’m happy and I plan to keep it that way

Chase’s P.O.V

I don’t know what the time was or even what day it was for that matter. I couldn’t open my eyes, I felt groggy. I was so jet-lagged. I heard Harry stirring in his sleep next to me, his arms were still around me, our legs were tangled together and my face was still buried in his chest. That’s surprising since I never keep still when I sleep, I am the worst and I always wake up the next day with lost pillows or blankets on the floor, even a few times I’ve actually rolled out of bed. But not this time, I was still in the same position I was when I fell asleep.

When I finally fell asleep it was uninterrupted, solid sleep. One of the best sleeps I have had in a long time, maybe it’s because Harry was next to me and I wasn’t alone, or just because I was physically and mentally drained from the flight, I’d like to stick with the Harry scenario but whatever the reason was I felt good and well rested

I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head to see him. I swear he gets more beautiful every time I look at him, how did I get so lucky. I pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth, his eyes moved just the slightest amount, his mouth twitched a little wanting to curl into a smile then his face fell and he continued his heavy breathing indicating he was asleep, I could tell he was pretending. Ok, Styles, you wanna play that game huh. Well he was going to wake up whether he wanted to or not

I propped myself up onto my elbow to get a better view of his face, what to do, what to do. I carefully trailed soft kisses along his jawline, and got nothing, not even a flicker of the eye, oh he was good. I traced the outlines of his tattoos softly across his bare chest, this time I got a foot flinch as I was outlining the swallow on his right side, success, this means he can feel it. I decided to kick it up a notch, I placed my lips just behind his ear and felt his face move a little, so I moved my lips slowly to his earlobe and gently grazed my teeth over the flesh. I heard him groan then before I knew I what was happening he was awake, hovering over me with my arms pinned beside me so I couldn’t move

“Been enjoying teasing me have you?” he smirked

“You were asleep and I was bored so I entertained myself” I smirked right back, he needs to stop hovering over me like this he looks too good, and I’ve just woken up. Those two are not a good combo, or maybe they could be. I got butterflies at the thought

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