Chapter 16

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Chapter 16


"Mitchie...time to get up love...Y-you know what today i-is." I opened my eyes suddenly and stood up, placing my arms around his neck. "I'm gonna miss you babe..." I cried into his shoulder. "I know baby I know..." I let go of him and walked over to his closer and got out his favorite hoodie; the one that's says Adidas across the front. "I'm keeping this while you're gone." "Alright babe." He walked over and lifted me up and held me in his arms. "I love you soo much." "I love you too Liam..." I pulled back and kissed him. "You ready?" "Not r-really...but let's go..." He nodded and carried me outside to the car where Niall was loading up his own luggage. I got in the car, Liam driving, and me in the passenger's seat. I held his hand in mine and squeezed it as he drove off.


We walked into the airport slowly, not wanting to let each other go. Especially for nine months. We walked through the crowd of fans quite easily, and went to sit with the other boys. Perrie was there as well, talking to Zayn, both of them crying. "Liam...I n-need to tell you something..." "Yeah babe?" "Well...I'm pregnant...." YES I am pregnant. I sorry I didn't tell you guys sooner but I am... "You are?!" "Yeah...I found out yesterday." "Wh-What made you think you were to take a test?" "I don't know...I got thinking about it and got worried..." He nodded and pulled me onto his lap. "I love you, but I can't leave'd have the baby before I got back and I want to be there." "I'll be have to go on tour babe." " mum! She can be there with you while I can't." I smiled and put my head on his chest. "That'd be great babe..." I cried again, imaging being without Liam. "It'll be okay babe..." He leaned down and kissed me again. *FLIGHT 23 TO TOKYO NOW BOARDING* I shook my head and buried my face in Liam's neck. I got up and hugged the boys. I got to Niall and he whispered, "Think about it babe." I whispered back, "Not a chance, and by the way I'm pregnant." I smirked as I pulled back to see his shocked face. I went back to Liam, and wrapped my arms around him. I started crying into his shirt. "Babe, I love you soo much. Just remember that babe. I always will. And whenever I get back, I will love that baby with all my heart, just like I love you." I kissed him sweetly and hugged him tighter. "I love you so much." I wiped his tears as he got pulled away from me. "Bye Mitchie! I love you!" "I love you too Liam!" Perrie walked over and hugged me. "It'll be okay Hun. He loves you and you love him so everything will be okay. As Zayn always tells me, 'As long as we love each other, nothing can fail.'" I smiled lightly and walked with her outside, the fans screaming in our ears. "Perrie...can I tell you something if you won't freak out?" "Yeah. I promise!" "And you can't tell anyone. Including Zayn." "Alright..." I sighed and looks her in the eyes. "I'm pregnant." "That's great! Did you tell Liam?" "Yeah I just, him and Niall are the only ones that know..." "You might wanna tell his mum and dad and your dad soon." "Yeah...I'll call them when I get home. I might go over and tell his parents in person." "I think that'd be good. Bye Mitchie." "Bye Perrie." I waved as I got in Liam's car. It smelled like him. I sat my head on the steering wheel and started crying again. My phone started buzzing and I looked down to see exactly what I needed to see; A text from Liam. "Hey babe. I'm already missing you! I love you soo much!! <3 always will! I'll talk to you tomorrow. Well, I'll try to! If not, I LOVE YOU!!!! <3 :) Xx" I smiled to myself and drove back partially satisfied.


"Hello?" "Karen, it's me, Mitchie. Can I come talk to you and Geoff today?" "Of course sweetie! Come over whenever!" "Alright. How about 10 minutes?" "That's perfect! See you then Hun!" "Alright bye!" "Bye sweetie!" I texted Liam and said; "I'm going to tell your mum now! Wish me luck!" "Alright! That's great! Love you babe! :) Xx"


I pulled up in her driveway, and got out, nervous like crazy. I walked up shakily and knocked on the door. The door soon opened, and she pulled me into a hug. "Hi sweetie! What did you want to talk about?" "Let's go inside..." She smiled and guided me inside and into the family room. I sat down with her on the couch and turned to face her. "Well, there's no easy way to say this but...I'm pregnant." "Oooh!!!! I'm getting a grand baby!" I laughed as she stood up and did a dance. "That's great honey! I just wish it would've been after you were married." "Me too...and Liam wanted me to ask you if you'd help me a little bit through the pregnancy since he won't be here..." "Of course!! I would love to!" "Thank you so much." "It's no problem!" She pulled me into a hug. "Geoff honey! Come down here!" He came downstairs and smiled when he saw me. "Well hello Mitchie! How are you sweetheart?" "I'm alright." "She's pregnant!" "That's great!" I was pulled into another hug and greatly accepted it. "Is that all you needed to tell us hun?" "Yeah, I should probaly get going. Bye." "Bye honey!" I left and drove away. I'm just glad I have at least 4 people supporting me. I don't know how I'm going to have this baby without Liam, but I know I have the support I need.


"Daddy?" "Hi sweetie!" "I need to tell you something..." "What is it?" "I'm pregnant..." The line went dead and I tried calling back but he wouldn't answer. I guess he's disappointed in me... I tried calling Liam but he didn't answer. He was probaly too busy, so I sent him a text saying, "Please call ASAP!"

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