Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I woke up with Liam's arms tight around my waist. I put my face on his bare chest and closed my eyes again. "You awake babe?" I mumbled a faint 'yeah,' and looked up into his eyes. "Morning." "Morning Mitchie." He said before kissing my head. "When do you leave for tour?" "Um I think he said September 6..." "Liam! That's in 6 days!" "So?" "I start school in 8!" "See if you can take something else." "Babe, you know I can't...I guess I just can't go..." "No! You have to come! I've never been without you for more than a weekend!" "I know, but we can do it...I know we can..." "But Mitchie, I don't want to have to say goodbye..." "I don't either, but we're gonna have to babe." He shook his head and kissed me. "I just wanna stay here with you until then." "That's fine with me, but let's go get some coffee first." He nodded and stood up, his towel almost falling. I changed quickly while Liam was in the bathroom. I went downstairs and sat on the sofa with Loki, watching TV. "Babe?" "I'm downstairs Li!" I heard him walk down the stairs. "Ready?" "Yup." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. "Can we walk?" "Sure." He smiled and tightened his grip on my hand as we walked to the coffee shop. "Has Niall tried anything yet?" "No." I lied. "Alright, but promise me something." "Yeah?" "If he ever tries to do anything like that, and you don't want him to, tell me. I'll handle it. Okay?" "Okay, I promise." He smiled at me as we walked. "Thanks babe. I want to protect you from everything you need it from." I smiled, blushing. "I love you." "I love you too Mitchie. I mean it." I stopped him and stood in front of him. "What?" He asked laughing. I shook my head and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me into his arms and held me there. I leaned back and kissed him. "You're the best." "I could say the same about you." "OMG IT'S LIAM!!" Fans. Crap! "Sh-Crap. Let's go babe." He grabbed my hand and ran me down the street. We turned a sharp corner and ran towards the coffee shop. Right as we jumped in, the girls ran past. He let out a sigh of relief and stared at me. We started laughing as we walked to the counter. "I'll go grab us a seat." "Alright babe." He said, kissing my head. I walked to the back and found us a table. I sat down and looked around. I saw a man that looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place his name........Jack! Jacob's best friend! We made eye contact and he smirked, getting up. I looked towards the line to look for Liam but didn't see him. I got up to leave, but was suddenly stopped. "Sit down. Now." I hesitantly did so. "Jacob's wanting me to take care of you while he's in prison. I'll need you to come with me." "N-No. Never in a million years would I WANT to go back to the horrible life I had. I'm happy now; I have a loving boyfriend, friends and even a dog. Leave me alone because I'm not budging." His face showed anger as he stood up. "You're coming with me. NOW." He fell to the ground and once I looked up from his body, I saw Liam, his fist clenched. "Let's go!" He pulled me out the door and down the street. "Babe...W-Who was that?" "Jacob's friend....Jack." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "What'd he want?" "He said Jacob told him to take care of me while he was in prison..." "You alright?" "Yeah...I'll be fine, I just..." "What?" "Never mind, I was just exaggerating." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." I gave a reassuring smile, and put my arm around his waist. "Now, how about we catch a cab home and stay in bed all day?" "Perfect." I said, sipping my coffee.


As we opened the door, Loki ran to us. "Hey Loki!" I said picking him up. Liam smiled, and walked with me up to our room. "Can I sit on your lap babe?" "Of course." He smiled and sat on the bed. He patted his lap so I climbed on the bed and sat on his lap. "Babe...are you sure there's nothing you need to talk about?" YES!! "No...I'm fine." He rested his chin on my shoulder. "I'm not." Liam mumbled lightly. "Not what babe?" "I'm not fine. What am I going to do on tour? I'm going to miss you too much! Plus, I have to leave you here with Jack on the loose!" "I'll be fine Liam. And besides, we can talk on the phone, Skype, and text EVERY day!" He shook his head and kissed my temple. "I can't leave you! I just can't! I can't stay away from you!!" The door opened, making me jump. "What? Are you two breaking up?!" "No Niall! She can't go on tour with us. Now back off." "What?! You can't come? Why not?" "I have school Ni..." " you aren't breaking up?" "NIALL LEAVE!" He held up his hands in defense and backed out. "I'm sorry, he was making me mad. I can't believe he would do either of us..." "It's fine babe." I kissed him, and stared at the wall. "Liam, everything will be okay...I promise. If not, I can try to fly out on break or something." "But don't you have school on Christmas Eve? We can't even spend Christmas together!" "I know's going to be hard." He sighed and laid us back. Then, I asked a question that I didn't really want to, but did at the same time. "How long's the tour?" "9 months." My eyes went wide and I buried my face in his chest. "That's too long..." "I know it babe...I know." I looked up into his eyes and kissed him, not wanting to ever have to say goodbye to him.

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