Back at square one

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Owen's pov

"I heard you last night," Tosh startles me, making me spill my coffee.

My mind instantly goes back to the conversation with Jack and Ianto the previous night. What part did she hear? About Katie? About my plan to ditch the date?

"Owen you know that neither Katie or Diane were your fault, Katie died of a brain tumour and Diane chose to fly into the rift." She says.

"So if it's not my fault then why does every woman around me die?" I say, "Tosh I'm trying to protect you."

"Maybe I don't want to be protected," she says," Look Owen, you won't lose me, I promise."

Despite what every instinct screams at me I find myself agreeing to go for coffee after work. Tosh smiles at me and goes back over to her desk as I turn back to the... thing that came through the rift this morning. It looks like some sort of communication device as it is the same size and shape as an iPhone and it's made of sleek black metal but I haven't been able to crack it yet, I don't even know why I'm the one doing this, this is Tosh's area not mine. I scan it again but it still isn't giving off any energy or showing signs of being more than a lump of metal so I give up and go over to my desk.

Jack's pov

I'm finally able to sit down after about four hours of work. I've got an awful headache and it feels like my brain is being fried. I haven't been able to concentrate all day and because of that a weevil managed to take a chunk out of my shoulder. Despite the fact that I heal quickly it's taking ages to fade and I've lost use of my arm. I feel like I'm going to pass out as I sit down for lunch but I don't mention anything and begin to eat anyway.

After a while I realise that the sound of the team's voices have faded into the background and black spots are beginning to cloud my vision. I feel strangely disconnected from the world around me but I can distantly hear Ianto calling my name. His arms around me is the last thing that I feel before I slip into darkness.

I wake up in small, white room. It smells like a hospital but is devoid of machines and people. There's a single door across the room from me and the dentist style chair that I am sitting in but apart from that the room is featureless and blank. I try to lift my head so that I can look around me but there is some sort of headset that is attached to chair and I am wearing. I reach up and lift it off my head and sit up. I examine the headset first. It's the same technology that we use to scan brainwaves in Torchwood. What is it doing here? Maybe I'm in Torchwood four or UNIT. I'm too scared to think where else I could be, not for my sake but for the team's.

I get up and begin to head towards the door but before I can even take a step a woman in a white lab coat walks into the room. "Oh, good you're awake."

"Where the hell am I?" I ask, barely keeping my voice under control.

"The time agency of course, and well done, you passed. Welcome to the agency Jack." Her expression doesn't change. She has dark air that is worn in a tight bun at the back of her head. Her clothes and lab coat are impeccable and nothing is out of place. She looks familiar but I can't place her.


"You're in the agency Jack aren't you happy, you passed the sim'"

"I don't understand, was anything since I joined the agency real?" I say, starting to panic.

"No of course not."

A:N/ This is the final chapter of this book but I decided that I am gonna do a sequel because I've enjoyed writing this and I want to carry on the storyline.

The sequel will follow Jack at the time agency but certain aspects of his life will be different.

As usual vote if you liked it and thanks for reading


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