The Letter

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Jack's POV

I glance over at Ianto, he's fallen asleep in the SUV. As I drive I go back over what happened at Martha's earlier. I still don't know how John knew we were there.

*1 hour earlier*

"Did you miss me?" says John, smirking.

"Why are you here?" I ask again.

"Aw Jack I thought you would be pleased to see me," He says. I can smell his breath from here, he's drunk.

"He was outside the flat," explains Mickey, "Well Dan and Phil's flat to be precise."

I press a few controls on my vortex manipulator and send him back to his flat. I hope I got the coordinates right, he's already going to have a hangover tomorrow without teleporting into a wall.

"What did you do?" asks Martha.

"Sent him back to his flat, that's the only thing you can do when he's drunk," I reply, "actually me and Ianto had better get back, we have to drive back to Cardiff."

"You can stay here," says Martha.

"Don't worry about it we'll be fine," I reply.

We say our goodbyes and head down to the SUV.

I pull into my usual parking spot and reach across to wake Ianto before we go up to the flat. As we near the front door I see a note that has been half slid under the door. I reach down and pull it out.

Jack, Ianto, I read, I came around earlier but you weren't here. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about how I reacted to Ianto being alive. I was just worried about Anwen. Please forgive me and if you do decide to reform Torchwood then I will be happy to return. Gwen.

I hand the letter to Ianto who is looking confused and open the door. Ianto goes in first and goes straight to the bedroom. I go into the kitchen to get some toast as I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. After I've eaten the toast I get into bed with Ianto and quickly fall into a dreamless sleep.

A:N/ Sorry that this is quite short. The next chapter will be longer I promise.

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