Tosh and Owen

743 23 12

Jack's pov

I hear screams about ten minutes after Gwen and Ianto go down to the cells. I run down to the morgue and see that Ianto and Gwen are both unconscious and there is blood pooling around Ianto's head. I run over to him but at the same time something pushes past me and disappears before I can turn around.

Ianto is lying under an open and empty pod A:N/ I know that this is no better than tank. It's Suzie's I realise with a sinking feeling. I check the others and they are all empty. I return to Ianto's side as Gwen groans and begin to wake up. I tell her to upstairs and call an ambulance as we don't have a medic yet and pick Ianto up before following her.

As soon as we get upstairs I start asking Gwen about what happened down there. All that she can tell me is she heard something behind her and the next thing she knew she was on the floor and I was there. The only thing that she could tell me is that Suzie's body was still in the morgue when she and Ianto went down there.

"You don't think that Suzie could have come back again," Gwen said after a while.

"No you and Ianto both got hit by someone coming into the morgue and I would have noticed if it was her that had pushed past me." I reply.

At this point the ambulance arrived and Gwen stayed at the hub to look into possible candidates for medics. We had agreed that we would ask Martha to come down and help out until we found something and Gwen was going to pick her up from the train station the next day as they only had one car which Mickey needed. Apparently she knew a few ex-UNIT medics who she was going to introduce us to.

Ianto woke up on the way to the hospital and once we got there he was given a couple of stitches, told to take it easy and released. Luckily he didn't have concussion. We headed back to the hub and I went through the footage of the morgue. The camera had been taken out but we were able to retrieve some footage of a humanoid figure that appeared blurry and indistinct knocking out both Gwen and Ianto before aiming what appeared to be a gun at the camera. We all knew that figure. It was Owen. I scanned the image and the computer registered Owen as well. "What the hell," whispered Gwen.

I was still in shock at seeing the face of our dead college when Gwen spoke again. "Jack look," she said gesturing to Tosh and Owen's desks. Behind both desks were the unmistakable figures of Tosh and Owen. They were just standing there staring at us and I instinctively stepped in front of Ianto. I look over at Gwen and see that there are silent tears falling from her eyes.

"I'm sorry,"

I turn back to Tosh and Owen so fast I nearly get whiplash at the sound of Tosh's voice.

"What do you mean?" I ask, hoping that my voice doesn't sound as nervous as I feel.

"I'm sorry," she repeats, "Jack we had no choice."

"Tosh," I say, my voice hardening, "What have you done." Beside me Ianto has stiffened and he's looking towards the autopsy room. I follow his gaze and see that there is a group of figures that are in the same condition as Tosh and Owen. One of them steps forward, Suzie. She yells something but no sound escapes her mouth and she is left screaming silently.

Tosh and Owen are beginning to gain solid form now but the other figures are fading. It's eerily quiet in the hub until Ianto speaks. "What's happening?" he says. The other figures have completely disappeared and Tosh and Owen are completely solid. I glance over at Gwen and see that she is concentrating hard on her computer. She must have done something to stop whatever Suzie was planning I realize. She probably just saved our lives.

As I'm turning to Ianto Tosh and Owen both collapse. Me and Ianto both run over to them but by the time we reach them they're sitting up and looking confused. Tosh sees me "Jack, what happened, why are we back in the hub, how are we back!"

"You don't remember?" I say.

"No, now Jack tell us what happened, I swear to God if you used the bloody glove again." Says Owen.

"No I didn't," I say, "I have no idea what happened, Gwen probably knows better than me."

"Yeah Jack, I don't have time for that," Gwen says while looking at her phone, "Martha just arrived a day early and she's outside with the possible new medic. I'll go let her in."

While Gwen is gone, me and Ianto start telling Tosh and Owen about everything that has happened since their deaths, they look particularly shocked when I tell them that Ianto died.

Gwen returns after a few minutes with Martha and a tall dark haired man who she introduces as Alec before going over to Tosh and Owen and checking them over. She scans them with a device that Gwen gives to he, the same one we used on Owen when he first came back. She says that they are both healthy and clear of any contamination from non-human life forms.

We explain the situation to Alec but in the end we decide to keep him on until Owen is declared fit for work. He leaves soon after, explaining that his boyfriend is expecting him.

Gwen orders pizza as Tosh and Owen are both starving, Owen seems very happy about this. And we sit around the coffee table by the autopsy room. It's decided that Tosh and Owen will stay in the same flat as me and Ianto as Gwen has no room at her place. It used to be Owen's flat anyway and it still has all of his furniture as I never got any of my own. There is a small room beneath the hub but we agree that it isn't safe anymore. I tell everyone to remain on standby and we all say goodbye to Gwen before heading back to the flat.

A:N/ I don't know how happy I am with this part, I might go back and change it a bit later.

For anyone who recognizes where I got the character of Alec from, he won't be exactly like Alec Lightwood.

Also I reached 400 reads!!

As usual vote if you liked it and thanks for reading.


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