Alive again

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Ianto's pov

As Jack turned around I saw confusion quickly get replaced by happiness in his eyes. "Ianto," he breathed," It did work, you're alive."

I felt panic rush through me." What worked?" I asked," Jack what did you do."

He pulled me into his arms, not caring that I was wet from the bay as I had woken up in the water. I let him hold me for a while longer before pulling away.

"Seriously Jack, what did you do. I shouldn't be here"

"I'll explain," he said," Just let me get you to Gwen's first. I don't know how safe my flat is."

We walked up to the old Torchwood SUV that was parked up by the water tower despite the fact that it was clearly marked as a bus stop. "Where is everyone?" I asked, "I've never seen the bay this empty."

"I don't know," said Jack," The place was full of tourists yesterday, maybe there's something going on in the city center."

I nodded but I felt a sense of dread rise up in me.

When we reached Gwen's house Jack knocked on the door while I hovered behind him uncertainly. Rhys opened it but when he saw Jack he made to close it again. Jack stopped him before he could." Look Jack," said Rhys," You had better not be asking us for help with aliens or Torchwood now, not so soon after her father died. She doesn't need that now."

"Rhys I'm only here because I need to tell Gwen something," said Jack," Please this is important."

"What is it, go on then tell me," he said, "Anything that you tell Gwen you can tell me."

I stepped forward and Rhys' jaw dropped. "Well I suppose that you had better come in then," he said, "Gwen," he shouted," We've got guests."

"Who is it," she said walking into the hallway. She saw me and froze, "Ianto?" she gasped, "But how are you... I mean no offense but you should be dead. What happened?"

"I don't know, Jack said that he would explain once we got here." I turned to Jack, "So are you going to tell me now?"

"Let's go and sit down", he said, "This may take some explaining."

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