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John's POV

A/N: I decided to get John's point of view of Ianto returning, so here it is! This probably won't be very long as it is just so that the reason for John's actions a bit later in the story are more clear.

This takes place just after he leaves Jack and Ianto's flat.

I sink down onto a bench just around the corner from the flat. I had sneaked out while Jack was explaining about trap street. I couldn't stay in there any longer, seeing the way that Jack looked at Ianto. He'd never looked at me like that not even when we were together. What made Ianto so special? I had really thought that Jack was starting to like me again and the he had come back and suddenly he was all that mattered. I didn't understand, me and Jack had history, we had seen so much, but Ianto was just from Cardiff, he hadn't even spent that long with Jack before he died. I was with him for five years, well it was a time loop but still. There was one thing that I was certain of, I wasn't going back. I knew that Jack was still annoyed over the whole thing with Gray but couldn't he see that it wasn't my fault, he was controlling me.

I stared across the street and saw that there was someone standing there. I squinted but couldn't make out who it was until she stepped forward. It was one of the Torchwood team, the one with dark hair. What was her name, Tosh? No she was the one that died. Gwen, that was it. "What are you doing here" she called, clearly on edge.

"You know I could ask you the same thing," I called, "Lurking outside someone's flat, bit creepy isn't it?" I was hoping that my bravado was covering up my earlier moment of weakness. "Anyway didn't you move?"

"What's it to you?" she said," And if you were thinking about going up to Jack's flat then I wouldn't."

"What because of eye candy?" I said, "I've already been up there, you missed the party."

"Look I don't have time to talk to you," she said, starting to walk forward," I need to sort something out with Jack."

I move in front of her and she pulls out a gun and points it at me. "Someone's jumpy," I said, putting my hands up but not really taking her seriously. I know that Jack wouldn't be happy if she shot me. "Look they probably want some alone time," I said, stepping forward and pushing the gun down. " I mean Ianto just came back and is adjusting to life and catching up on what he missed and Jack is still getting used to having him back."

"I suppose you're right," said Gwen." But I am coming back first thing tomorrow morning and you aren't stopping me."

"I'm not trying," I replied before walking back towards where I parked. After all it wasn't like I was ever going to have anything to do with Jack any more. I could go wherever I wanted, hey I could go to that planet with the Timelords, Galifrey it was called. All those regenerations certainly kept it fresh.

A/N: So John found Galifrey! *Dramatic music plays* Of course he doesn't know what that means...

Also opinions on me putting in John's point of view, should I put it in throughout the rest of the story?

As usual please comment anything that you would like to see happen and vote if you liked it


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