New beginnings

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Jack's pov

I still can't believe that he is alive. I mean of course the Doctor said so but I didn't really believe that Ianto was immortal until now. I'm still in a state of shock. I can't believe that I will never have to lose him again, the one person that I will never lose.

I'm startled out of my thoughts as Tosh enters my office. "Jack' are you ok?" she asks, "I mean the love of your life, supposedly, just came back from the dead, shouldn't you be out there with him, helping him come to terms with it, not me."

"I just need some time to get my head around it," I say, "The fact that Ianto is immortal, well it could be a curse for him or a blessing."

"How do you mean?" Tosh asks.

"Being immortal is great, don't get me wrong but after a while, when your friends and family start, well... dying. I've lost so much Tosh, I don't know if I want that for Ianto."

"Jack I think that Ianto realises that, about losing people. That's why he needs you." Tosh replies. She puts her hand on my shoulder, "Jack you can talk to me, you do know that right? But right now, Ianto needs you."

She stands up from where she was leaning against my desk and walks back out of the office after giving me a sympathetic look.

I slowly stand up and follow her, pausing before opening the door. I make my way towards the hub floor where Owen and Gwen are pretending not to see the silent tears slipping down Ianto's cheeks. Tosh is sitting beside him on the old, battered sofa by the autopsy room. I make my way over to them, whispering to Gwen to order pizza as I pass her, and sit on the other side of Ianto Tosh stands up silently and makes her way over to her desk as I put my arm around Ianto. We sit in silence for a while before Ianto starts to speak.

"Jack what is it like. And give me the truth because I need that."

"It's hard, and it's painful, and sometimes you wonder what the point is. But in the end, we have each other and that's the most important thing."

"I don't know if I can do it Jack," he says, looking up at me. "I struggled enough when I lost Lisa, when I thought that I had lost you. How many times will I have to get through that again? How many times can I get through that again?"

"After a while it gets easier," I say, "You get better at dealing with it but the first few losses are the hardest. I won't pretend that its easy but I know that you can get through it."

Ianto leans against me again as the doorbell on the tourist office rings, I motion to Gwen to get it as I assume that it's the pizza arriving but she comes back with Rose. By now Owen and Tosh have joined me and Ianto so Gwen and Rose move to stand with them. Rose Owen and Gwen all pick up stools and bring them from the desks but Tosh joins me and Ianto on the sofa. "You ok?" she whispers in my ear. I nod and force a smile onto my face as Rose, Owen and Gwen come back. At this point the doorbell rings again and this time it is the pizza. We start to eat and the awkwardness soon evaporates. It almost feels like we've gone back to normal, almost. There's still the worry in Ianto's eyes which I can't bear to see. I hate that he is always on edge and tense now.

Tosh's pov

"I'm gonna head back to the flat," I say after all the pizza has been eaten.

"I will too", says Owen, "It's been a bit of a long day."

I stand up and get my bag from my desk and join Owen at the entrance to the hub. We walk out into the bay and start towards our flat. We walk in silence for a while before Owen finally speaks, "We never did get that date did we."

I'm thrown for a second but eventually reply, "No."

"We should go out for coffee sometime," he says, nervously looking at me before fixing his eyes back on the road.

I've never seen Owen this nervous before

"Sure, how about tomorrow after work," I say


We carry on walking in silence and when we get to the flat I go straight to bed and Owen goes into the sitting room. Despite the fact that I'm exhausted I can't seem to sleep, my mind just keeps going over what happened with Owen. Eventually I get up and go to the kitchen where I find Owen sitting at the table with Jack and Ianto, Ianto is leaning against Jack who has his arm around his shoulders and Owen is sitting opposite them with his head in his hands, despite my instinct telling me to go over to Owen I stay hidden by the door as none of them have spotted me.

Owen lifts his face from his hands slightly and my heart leaps to my throat as I see the tears running down his face. "I just feel like I'm gonna lose her, it's gonna be Diane and Katie all over again,"

Jack murmurs something that I can't hear and Ianto sits up straighter which suggests that they've been trying to get him to talk for a while.

"But i have lost everyone who has gotten close to me Jack," Owen says, his voice hardening, "I should call off the date, I can't let anything happen to Tosh because of me."

My heart drops, I had no idea that he felt like this. I should have known; I should have guessed that he wasn't ok. I'm supposed to be in love with him for God's sake. Jack is trying to persuade him not to call off our date but I walk back to my bedroom anyway, Owen is stubborn, he won't accept that the ideas that he has gotten into his head are wrong. I can't believe that he blames himself about Katie as well as Diane. Jack told me that she died due to a brain tumour. I lie awake for a few more hours but eventually get to sleep, vowing that I will talk to Owen tomorrow at work.

A:N/ Ok so we are nearly at the end of the story, I've written the ending but there is gonna be one or maybe two more chapters before I finish the fic.

Thank you so much for 2k it means so much to me that people are actually taking the time out of their lives to read this.

As usual please vote if you liked it and thanks for reading.


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