the punk and the pastel

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|dark was a punk boy he hated nearly everyone except for his friends but what happens when he meets the pastel boy anti|

Darks pov

Ugg I hate this stupid fucking school half the shit they teach us is stuff we dont even need in life and they inly teach us it just to make it more difficult , the teachers are either strict as fuck or wimpy and lame except for a few and then the students ARE FUCKING IDIOTS , SLUTS OR PRICKS well except for my friends clara, midnight, mark , jack , amy and singe they're cool and fun
"Heya dark you ok you seemed pissed" amy asks
"Yea im just kinda mad at this stupid fucking school" I say angrily
"don't worry we've only got this year left then WERE FREEE" jack says happily I smile
"I gess bit still I've got a whole year of people saying 'are you emo?' , 'omg stop being rude ' and 'I bet you dont have friends' "I say grumpily
"Well hey there juat waisting there time its the way you are and as long as your happy then stay that way" signe says I nod a thank you then go to class .people always assumed im emo or depressed just cuz im a punk no I just like being punk and how I am you pricks I walk in and sit down next to this girl I dont know what her name is and I dont really care to be honest but shes always staring at me or she asks me questions but I dont answer
"Oh dark your skipping this lesson cuz your showing a student round" mr thomas says great who now a jock, slutty girl or a complete asshole I groan and stand up I hear people wisper
"I feel sorry for the new kid if darks showing them around" I just ignore them I walk to reception and dianna the receptionist ia there
"Oh there you are dark thank you for showing the new student round they're right over there his names anti"
I nod and look over at anti he wore a bright blue jumper , bright white jeans and a flower crown and his hair was green to be honest I-i thought he was cute

Antis pov

I walk up the the school gates and walk in smiling the kids look at me some with disguised or mean faces but I dont care im happy with how I look and there opinions dont matter I walk into reception
"Oh hello dear whats your name" she asks
"Hiya mh names anti im new" i say smiling brightly she smiles back
"Well I hooe you enjoy your time hear even though your on your last year please wait there while I get a student to show you round" she says pointing to the sofas I sit down on them there very comfy.
|few seconds later|
I hear the door open and I look up its a boy slightly taller than me hes wearing a red shirt leather jacket and black jeans and he had red hair my god was he hot he looks over at me I wave and try to hide my blushing his faces changes expression and he does a little wave back my heart skips a beat when he does he walks over
"Uh hi names dark and your anti correct" he asks I nod shyly
"Its nice to meet you dark "I say holding out my hand he hesitates but then shakes it
"So let me show you round bye dianna" he says waving to the lady she waves back during my tour me and daek got to know each other apparently not many people like him
"Well I like ya dark" I say wait SHIT omg anti do you know how gay that sounds you dont even inow if hes interested in men YA IDIOT he looks at me shocked
"Really how im just some stupid punk who is an asshole" he says I shake my head
"No thats what others think but thats only what they think because or your appearance I think your lovely, sweet and kind not to mention kinda funny" I say smiling he looks away blushing
"T-thanks anti I wish more people could be as understanding as you" he says I smile .

|so thats the first part what do ya think pretty cute right |

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