ch 10: revenge

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|thank you all so much for reading and supporting and mabye even following me it means alot and I would never have gessed IT WOULD REACH 10 CHAPTERS WWOOO ahem lets continue the story|

Darks pov

Me and tom had just got back and opened the door "hiya anti were back" tom said waving anti smiled and waved back thats odd normally anti would say somthing back or be a little bit energetic "um dark I need to speak to you tom would you go and play in your room please" anti said ok now somthings up I think to myself ,tom skips off and anti asks me to sit next to him in the kitchen I sit next to him "sso whats wrong" I ask slightly worried "before you came home sam had returned from shopping and wasn't acting normal and walked off somwere I whent to check on him but he wasn't anywere until I found him in the bathroom ...with a razor near his arm I stopped him before he could do it and he told me that these 3 boys named george , leon, and Billy were finding him and beating him up pretty badly" anti finished a tear rolled down his face I hugged him and wiped away his tears "dont worry we will stop this somehow" I say comforting him.

Toms pov

When I entered mynroom I saw sam but he seemed worried and sad I walked over and sat next to him "whats wrong" I ask he looks at me with puffy red eyes and then tells me that for the last couple of weeks 3 boys had been beating him up and he almost cut himself I sat there in shock how could someone hurt someone as nice and kind as sam i hugged him "thanks tom I dont deserve your kindness" he said sorrowfully of course you do sam you deserve all the kindness in the world I think to myself THEY must've made him think he's worthless my angry grew and boiled inside me I got up and walked to the beadroom door looking back at sam saying "ill get revenge for you" and running of towards the door I ignored anti and darks confused looks and ran outside towards the town I saw 3 boys walk into a alleyway BINGO! Your gonna die motherfuckers I think to myself as I run towards them. " HEY" I shout they look behined themselfs "well well well look what the trash dragged in a little punk" one of them said he must be billy " YOU HURT SAM NOW YOUR GONNA REGRET IT" I shout "oh so he told you im going to kill you and that little bitch" he said running towards me

Sams pov

What did tom mean "ill get revenge for you" ...WAIT?!? HES GONNA FIND BILLY AND HIS GANG AND BEAT THEM UP OH NO HE MIGHT BE HURT I run out the bedroom and outside hearing anti and dark shouting at me to stop I run at full speed towards the allyway and see tom fighting all 3 of them "TOM STOP" I shout they all look at me "sam?!?" Tom said "oh look the snitching prat shows himself" billy says tauntingly as he stomps his way to me but before he could do anything to me tom jumped at him grabbing his leg and punching him but billy grabbed his shirt and threw him into a wall knocking him out and letting a bit of blood spill out I gasp "TOM" tears falling down my face my sadness turns to boily raging anger " HOW DARE YOU HURT HIM" I shout they all look around to me shocked I lunge at them kicking and punching them

Antis pov

We both ran as fast as we could towards the town looking everywere for them until we found a allyway were we saw sam beating 3 kids up and tom against the wall waking up me and dark ran towards the 3 boys and we each grabbed 1 and I shouted at the boy " YOU BETTER NOT BEAT UP ANYONE EVER AGAIN OTHER WISE ILL RIP YER EYES OUT SHOVE EM DOWN YOUR THROWT SO YOU CAN SEE ME TEAR YOU TO SHREDS he wipmered away running like a dog with his tail inbetween his legs dark must've said somthing similar since he also scurried away we saw sam sitting ontop of the biggest boy and punching him he finished and grabbed the boys collar shouting "SCREW YOU BILLY AND NEVER BOTHER ME MY FAMILY OR ANYONE EVER AGAIN" the boy scurried away. We ran upto tom who was laid against the wall still a bit weary from his knock out "tom you ok" sam asked worriedly " yea im good sam and that was soo cool how you beat them up and please remember you do deserve kindness "he said putting his hand on sams cheek sam blushed slightly "ok but please promise me you dont EVER run off like that by yourself again" sam said "hehe ok" tom said pulling sam in for a hug sam hugged back me and dark sat back and 'aww'ed at them they blushed slightly and we headed home

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