ch 46: guys night

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Antis pov

Is was after dinner around 9 or so and sami and tom were tucked in bed I was in darks arms cuddling with him whole watching deadpool suddenly my phone bings and I look at it its a text from jack

Jackaboy: heya anti me & mark r having a guys night do u and dark wanna come

I look up at dark " hey darky jack asks if we wanna go to guys night should we go?" "Yea its been forever since our last guys night " he says looking down at me I smile and text back

Antiboi: ye were coming just give us a min to get ready

Jackaboy: ok :D THIS IS GONNA BE FUN

I put down my phone and we both go and get dressed . After were done getting dressed I was in a black shirt with grey stripes a pair of blue jeans and a beanie while dark was wearing a leather red jacket a black shirt and black jeans " you are the embodiment of looks that could kill" I say winking at him "heh thanks babe" he says grabbing my waist and connecting our lips we break the kiss and walk to the car and towards town. We park neer the bar were going to and see jack and mark jacks wearing his 76 overwatch shirt with a leather jacket and some blue jeans while mark wore his flannel and blue jeans "hey guys glad you could make it its been a long time since our last guys night" mark comments "heh yea when was it like before we graduated or somthing I dont remember" jack replied "most probably cuz you were drunk as fuck" mark said with smirk "HEY FUCK YOU" jack shouted flipping mark off "ok ok lets just enjoy the night before you two rip each other's heads off" dark said walking in the bar (btw since mark cant drink and dark can only drink a little there the sober ones). I was drinking my drink when a see a woman talking to anti she seemed to be making him uncomfortable I frown and stand up "um excuse me mam but its clear hes not interested" I say barging in the conversation "and who askd you demon? Hes probably way interested in me then you anyway" "oh really" i say as I grab antis shirt collar and kiss him he kisses back and the girl looks at us in disgust "uuggg eww im done" she says storming off "GOOD AND PULL UP THAT SKIRT HONEY ITS RISING UP " anti shouts I burst out laughing "OMG .. THATS WAS AN AMAZING COMEBACK" I say inbetween laughter he giggles .

Antis pov

Im drunk now I can still like walk and shit but im not exactly sober I walk back to dark to see id he would dance with me and hes sitting next to this really drunk girl shes flirting with him i can tell she puts hee hands up his shirt slightly and he slaps her hand away all od a sudden she pecks his cheeks he looks disgusted but im boiling in anger I stomp over and grab his face kissing him roughly she goes wide eyed ans walks away we break the kiss his hands around my waist my hands around his neck "heh thats babe god now I need to wash my cheek to rid of her disgusting fish smelling breath" he says pretending to puke I chuckle and kiss his cheek "there all fixed " i say he smiles "oh yea wanna go donce with me" "donce welp looks like somebody's a little drunk" he says laughing I flip him off then drag him to the dance floor I sway my hips to the beat and I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around me and sway there hips with mine I look up at dark and continue dancing with him in his arms.

Darks pov

It was quite late and me and mark decided to head home with jack and anti  I wave goodbye to mark and get in the car placing anti in the passenger seat and drive home when we arrive anti can barely get out the car so I give him a piggy back to the house "he he darky~" he says with a hiccup I choose not to answer him since hes drunk but it was funny I put him on the bed "now I need you to get changed into your pyjamas" I say as I leave the room "nnuu darky *hic* don levd mee " he says trying to grab for me I sigh "anti please just get dressed" I say grabbing my pyjamas and getting dressed in the bathroom .  While after anti finally finished and I walk in hes fast asleep layed the wrong way on the bed I giggle and place him the right way cuddling him .

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