Chapter 9

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Asriel stood by himself amongst a patch of golden flowers in his father's throne room. He was hunched over breathing heavily as he fought the transformation of his body. After he had broken the barrier, the goat child had released all of the souls. Now that he no longer had them, he couldn't keep that form anymore. All the other monsters had left to see the sky, leaving Asriel all alone. Sunset had finally finished and darkness filled the throne room.

You stand off to the side of the room with Chara next you. The two of you watching the child sulk as he fought the process as much as he could. Not really wanting to watch this anymore, you step forward with the human boy following hot on your heels. "What's got your goat?" You say in a playful tone.

"Crow!" Asriel whips about to see the two of you standing behind him and his eyes grow wide. "Ch-Chara?!"

"Wait, he can see me?" Chara looked from his monster brother to you astonished before running forward and hugging the small goat tight.

"Of course, he can. He isn't a flower... yet." You mutter that last part to yourself but Asriel catches it anyway. Not bothering to mention what you did earlier. Your body was already feeling rather tired as it was.



"Just how have you helped me?!" The goat monster screeched at you from his position in his brother's arms. "How have you helped anyone?! Yes, monsters are now free but the price that was paid! How many times did they die? How many times have bad things happened just for you to reach this desired outcome?"

You waited until he was done huffing at you before you responded. Though his words rather hurt. "If I had the ability to just break the barrier myself and let monsters free... I would have. But Crows do have a set of rules that we have to follow. We can't get directly involved. If we did, wars could be stopped. History changed. Free will lost. But... I guess since this is the final hour, I can fill you in on everything now."

A heavy sigh escaped you as you leaned against the throne with a tired expression on your face. The two boys sat in the flowers waiting patiently for you to speak. "Let's start off with the power of reset. It allowed the person with the most determination in The Underground to reset back to a designated point if something went wrong. And it did. A lot. However, despite all the previous timelines no one would remember a reset happening. That's what it means to reset. To start over. The only people who remembered timeline to timeline were you, Chara, Frisk, myself... and Sans. For some reason the memory erasing part of a reset didn't affect him. I don't know why. It just didn't."

"In order for the barrier to be broken, we needed 7 human souls. Which are rather hard to come by. Knowing that, I needed time to work with other Crows for souls of people who were going to pass away soon. Each time you reset, something changed. Whether it was big or small. No two timelines were 100% the same. Haven't you ever wondered why the souls that got to Asgore never disappeared even if you reset immediately after? Whenever there was progress, I made sure that the point of reset was moved up with it. That's how they were never lost or faded away." You took a pause to see if the two kids had any questions and when they didn't you continued on.

"Any who... That's not the only thing I did. This all wasn't just about finishing your quest to free the monsters. It was about the two of you as well. You both died prematurely. So... so young. Neither of you were ready to go to the afterlife. You both were scared. So I stayed by your sides. Encouraging you, playing with you, and getting to know the two of you... caring for you..." your eyes darted to Asriel when you said that last part but you quickly looked away. "It was... horrible to watch you kill everyone in elaborate ways over and over. But at the same time I stood by you anyway because someone had to be there for you because no one else could. You probably won't believe me when I say this but I have, actually, broken so many rules during this. I'm supposed to be indifferent. I'm supposed to just be your guide but here I am directly involved! Emotionally and physically! When you two died... there were so many wrongs that needed to be righted and now that the monsters are free... there is still one more thing that needs to be fixed. I just didn't realize that I would become... attached."

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