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I left the doctors office in a daze. How could she be my daughter. Linda never showed any signs of being pregnant and we only had protected sex after we had Willow. Much to our disagreement about protected sex, but we both didn't want another child till Willow was at least nine or ten. Linda didn't want to use the pill or chip since they both used chemicals to prevent pregnancy and she was against chemicals all together. I focus on the few weeks before Linda was taken and try to remember anything useful.

"Oh god." I groan. We had decided that we were ready for another child.

Taking my mind off the situation I quickly make my way to the kitchen where there is a loud ruckus of kids. Antonio is there with Isabelle and Zaria. With a scowl I nod outside and he looks at me confused but goes out anyways telling Zaria he'll be right back or something like that.

"What is it Alphonso?" He asks and I throw an uppercut punch to his face.

"That's for kidnapping Linda." I growl. I swing again hitting him square in the cheek.

"That's for Willow." I growl. I jab his side hearing. A successful snap,

"That's for Chloe." I seethe and knee him in the face while he is doubled over.

"That's for selling my little girl you asshole." I yell loud enough, people in the house probably heard me over the kids and low music. Sure enough Clara steps into the doorway along with Zaria and Clara gasps.

"Alphonso what are you doing. Gavin. Move the kids to a different place. Chloe's play room." She commands quickly and soon you can't hear the kids anymore. I catch my breathe real quick before throwing another punch when he tries to get up.

"And that's. for anything else that I haven't uncovered yet." I says breathlessly. Man I'm getting too old for this.

"Stop." Zaria yells and runs out into the yard. I quickly point a gun at her and she freezes.

"Take another step I dare you. I'll take away your whole life. You daughter. Your house. Your money. Your family." I say deadly.

"Get off my property Antonio. And let this be your only warning. If you, or any of your men touch my family. It means war. And there will be war Antonio. I promise you. Stay away. Don't bother us. Don't talk about us. Don't even think about us. Cause I promise you. I will find you. And I will kill you." I whisper and lower my gun.

"You have an half hour. I suggest you go now." I say and walk back to the house. I walk into Chloe's play room and pull Isabelle aside.

"Your mommy and daddy are waiting for you, daddy got called for something important." I say sweetly and she nods. She hugs my leg then goes and hugs Chloe. I can't be mad at Isabelle for something her parents did, so I allow it and watch Gavin lead her outside. I go and join Chloe's circle of friends and pull her small body into my lap. She leans back a yawns.

"Tired munchkin?" I ask and she nods.

"Alright everyone. Let's go get ready for bed." I say and lead everyone into the giant bedroom that I turned into a sleepover room for Willow.

"Alright. Go get some pajamas out of the closet. Then get the toothbrushes you guys brought and brush your teeth I say as the parents hand the kids their bags. The parents bid their kids good bye and leave. They all rush into the closet where there are pajamas.

"Clara. Can you help them. Normally Linda would while I got Willow ready." I say and she nods. I lift Chloe onto my arm and carry her to her room where she picks out a queen Elsa pajama set.

"Go brush your teeth baby." I say and sit on the arm chair in her room. She runs out shortly after and she climbs into my lap.

"Daddy?" She asks.

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