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WARNING - More explicit language and some intense/mature-ish conversations.

"Find her damnit. We are the strongest Mafia in the fucking US and we can find anyone but a three year old girl. If she is hurt in anyway when I get her back your head and family is on the line." I yell at the leader of my intelligence sector, tracking sector, and training sector.

"It's been a month and I won't wait any longer to have my baby back. I'll kill anyone who gets in my way." I yell slamming my fist on the desk making it crack. I stand and look at him.


"Sorry sir." He says softly and turns to the door. Just before he reaches it the door swings open and he jumps.

"She's here. But she's not alone." The new man announces hurriedly.

"Where?" I snap walking close to him.

"B-bac..." He didn't have time to finish before I pushed him out of my way. I nearly dove down the steps, taking them three at a time almost face planting most of the way down. I race for the back door to find Clayden, beaten, bruised, bloody, weak, and tired. In his arms laid my little baby girl with his shirt on, fast asleep. He looked like he is on an adrenaline rush and he swayed a little.

Well. Adrenaline rush over.

His eyes closed and he fell somehow managing to spin his body so he took the full fall and landed on his back with Chloe on his chest.

"Clayden. No Clayden stay with me." I yelled skidding against the muddy floor next to him. Someone tried to take Chloe but I swiftly pulled out a pocket knife and pierced it through his hand. The man yelled in agony and I cradled my baby girl in my arms crying. I placed my hand on Clayden's chest and felt a slow heart beat. I checked his pulse next and felt it slow too.

"Get him to the hospital wing." I yell and stand.

"Immediate medical attention and luxury service." I tell my men and stand with my little baby in my arms. I carry her in with the men following and I take her up to my room. I cut off the shirt that was drenched from the previous rain that happened less that a half hour ago and gently set her on a towel next to the sink in the bathroom. I started the tub and then checked over her body. I dreaded checking the last part of her and Clara walked in.

"Do you need any help sir?" She asked.

"Yes Clara. Could you check her. To make sure those snakes didn't do anything to her?" I ask sorrowfully.

"Yes. Just wait outside for a bit." She says and I nod walking out and closing the door. I waited like a guard dog for a few minutes before the water turned off and Clara opened the door.

"She's fine Alphonso." She says with a soft smile.

"Could you help me bathe her. I'll hold her head up while you wash her." I say and she nods.

"Do you know how bad the cuts on her back are?" I ask.

"They aren't deep, none infected, none deadly. But when she is clean and clothed in panties. I suggest taking her for an x-Ray. To make sure there is no internal bleeding or painful/deadly injuries." She says as I set Chloe into the warm tub. I hold her head up as Clara cleans her small damaged body and then we switch sides and I hold the back of her neck gently so Clara and clean her hair.

By the times she's clean the water is a gross brown color with a tint of red.

"My little baby girl." I whisper holding her against my chest in a towel.

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