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I walk back the way I saw the bathroom and go into the bathroom with a girl in a dress on the door. I walk into the stall and close it turning the locky thing and locking it. I push my pants down and use the toilet and then wipe and hop off. I pull my pants up and walk out looking up at the sink. The door to the bathroom opens and I look at the girl.

"Hey cutie." She says and looks at the sink I was just looking at.

"Need help?" She asks and I nod. She walks over and picks me up holding me while I wash my hands.

"Thank wou." I whisper when she sets me back down and I walk out. I turn right and start walking but then I get to a place I don't know. I see big men walking this way and they look at me.

"Hey. What are you doing here." They yell at me and I turn around and run.

"Hey come back here." They yell and I scream running away from them past the woman that helped me in the bathroom. I start to cry as I make my way though the many many halls.

"Daddy." I yell and a door opens somewhere.

"Gotcha." I guy says while grabbing me making me scream again while crying and squirming.

"Daddy." I cry out and the guy squeezes his arms around me to try and stop me from squirming.

"What is wrong with the men I hire. You don't do that to a little girl, or any child for that mater. What is wrong with you people." Daddy yells from behind us and I cry fisting my eyes. I feel him grab me form the bad man and hold me against his chest where I cry while shaking.

"I'm sorry sir. She was wondering around and we didn't know she was yours." The man says and Daddy glares at him.

"I get that but you don't manhandle a child at all." He says angrily and pets my hair soothing me.

"I'll deal with you later." He says and walks back to the conference room. The men look at me with sympathy as a few tears roll down my red cheeks.

"Continue." Daddy says sitting in his chair and setting me on his lap. I reach for his glass of water and he hands it to me and I drink a little and hand it back to him.

"We were just going over the things we discussed Mr. Emiliano." A guy at the other end of the table says and Daddy nods.

"Were done here then." He says standing back up and holding me on his hip. He shakes every ones hand while I lay my head on his shoulder closing my eyes. My tummy growls as he walks back to the office with his notes and he kisses my temple.

"What do you want for lunch baby." He asks and I tuck my head in his neck smelling his pretty perfume.

"A samwich." I say and he nods walking into his office.

"Enrico. Send someone to go get two McDonald's hamburgers and some fries and something to drink for lunch." Daddy says and Mr. Enrico says yes sir and daddy closes the door.

"Are you tired?" Daddy asks and I nod into his shoulder. He sets me on the couch and puts a blankie over me.

"Go to sleep baby girl." He says and kisses my forehead.

"Night Daddy." I say and close my eyes.


"Baby girl. Wake up." I hear a soft voice say and open my eyes coming face to face with Daddy.

"Come on. We're leaving." He says and I nod sitting up.

"Where arw we gowing daddy?" I ask and he picks me up.

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