Chapter 20: The Plan

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Hermione's P.O.V

The weeks went by excruciatingly slow. But when It was finally the day before Spring Break I wished that the weeks had gone by slower. What if my plan failed? I thought before hopping on the train.

Ron insisted on me going back home with him and I politely refused and said that I had somewhere else to stay. He frowned and walked out of the carriage and Harry walked in.

"What did you do to Ron?" he snickered and I smiled. I always enjoyed Harry because he understood me a lot, but not as much as Draco did.

"I told him I wouldn't shag him in this carriage." I joked and Harry and I burst into laughter.

After we finished, I wiped tears from my eyes and grinned stupidly.

"No, he didn't ask me that. He asked me to go back to the Burrow with him and I had somewhere else to be so I said no thanks." I shrugged and he pat me on the shoulder. Harry looked into my eyes with such longing that I couldn't help but stare back.

"Go get him Tiger." he said before walking out the carriage. He understood me. I was glad that I walked in on Ron and Harry's carriage the first year. I don't know how I could've made it without them.

The train stopped and I knew we were at Platform 9 3/4 and I grabbed my stuff. I walked off the train and as soon as I got far enough away from people, I apparated to the Malfoy Manor.


Draco's P.O.V

I lined up the bottles by alphabetical order and smiled. I was finally going to be the person who ended the Malfoy blood line.

I opened the first bottle and placed the pills in my hand.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five pills I counted. I placed them in my mouth and swallowed them. I opened the next cap and swallowed the 3 pills in there.

   I heard the door downstairs open and I rushed to open the rest of the caps. Who dared to go inside the Malfoy Manor? I wondered before taking 10 more pills.

   According to a study by muggles, if you took a certain amount of certain pills, you'd be sure to kill yourself and the "doctors" (as they call them) can't save you. I opened the last cap when I heard her voice.

   "Draco, I know your in this house! Please come out and talk to me." she yelled and I considered going out for a second. I wanted to be mended by her, but then I remembered, how could she love someone like me? I counted the pills in the bottle and there were 7. Seven more pills and I would be dead.

   I started to shake violently and it was hard to keep the pills in my hand. Pain rushed through me and I started to scream. The pills had mixed and created some time of pain that was killing me.

   I screamed uncontrollably and I help up my hand and tried to take the pills when the bathroom door opened and she slapped the pills out of my hands.

   "Draco!" she cried before I fainted, falling into a black void of nothing. No Hermione, No Death Eaters, no Weasel, No Potter. Was I finally free?


Hermione's P.O.V

There were pills lined up on the tub and I realized he was trying to take more of them. I smacked the pills out of his hands and screamed his name and he fainted.

   I apparated us to St. Mungos and I started to scream for help. Everyone looked at me and finally someone came and took him from me and I ran behind them. Another person came and stopped me and I nearly punched them.

   "I'm sorry Miss, you will have to wait outside." he said. I went to sit down when someone sat right next to me. I looked over annoyed, and saw that it was Luna.

   "Luna?!" I gasped and she turned to me and smiled dreamily.

   "Why hello Hermione." she said in a dreamy voice. She looked the same and I smiled back at her
   "What brings you here?" she asked me and I frowned. How is Draco doing?

   "Um well Draco is hurt. I came here for help." I sighed and she smiled even wider.

   "So, it is true what Neville says. You and Draco really are a thing!" she laughed. I smiled because I thought of Neville and Luna together. They would be really cute together I thought.

   "So you and Neville?" I teased and she laughed. She pushed one of her hairs behind he hair and shifted her leg position.

   "Yeah we've been dating ever since the war ended. He had to go to the hospital because surprisingly ghosts need therapy sometimes."

   A guy came out and called out for Luna and I waved goodbye. She flashed me a brilliant smile before walking off.

   I played with my fingers until a guy came out and called Draco's name. I rushed up out of my seat and walked next to him. He smiled at me and he looked very young. 

   "Hi I'm Bevan." he smiled and I smiled back at him. If I wasn't so deep in my feelings for Draco, I would've tried to make friends with him.

We arrived in his room and I saw him laying on the floor. Tears welled up in my eyes because he looked so weak and he looked like he needed help. I walked to his side and held his hand.

"He is okay, but he won't be awake for another 24 hours." he said and looked disappointingly at me. I knew he was sad that I was with Draco because he walked out quickly. Why were guys attracted to me?

I held his hand and I realized how tired I was. I placed my head down, while holding Draco's hand and letting tears stroll down my face. He would be okay. I thought to myself before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.


Hey guys! So, Draco tried to off himself and Hermione's plan was to go to the Malfoy Manor. Anyways, keep reading/voting/sharing/commenting! Thanks!
Alayna <3

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