Omake: Chirstmas

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Keith was starting to roll out the gingerbread dough when Lance walked in. "Don't you dare," Keith scolded without even turning to look. Lance jumped a foot in the air dropping the dirty spoon back into the bowl.

"Dang it," Lance muttered before moving to wrap his arms around Keith, "how do you always know?"

Keith smirks at him sneaking a bit of flour into his hands to flick in his face. "You move like an elephant," he laughs.

Lance sputters and pulls away. "Oh it is on!"

The flour fight began and Keith practically squealed as Lance grabs him to whirl by the waist getting his clothes dirty with flour covered hands. Soon they and the kitchen where covered in the white powder.

The cookies were cut out and laid out to be cooked. Lance sneaks out of the room before returning with his hat of opportunities as he calls it.

The mistletoe hung in front of Keith's face. He laughs at his boyfriend. "Determined much," he asks turning to face him. Lance just grins giving him a quick Christmas kiss.

"Merry Christmas Keith."

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